Women who hover should be thrown into a giant vat of piss.
Women who hover should be thrown into a giant vat of piss.
Again, why do you assume that it's other people's jobs to make public restrooms fit your personal standards? People are disgusting, it's part of life, people are gonna hover or not hover, either way, public bathrooms will find other ways to be disgusting and inconvenient. I don't know why you so passionately care…
Last week, there was shit spray all over the only toilet at my work. It can be worse than a little pee on the seat, I didn't run out of the bathroom ready to shame the mystery shitter though. I avoided the shit best I could and got over it.
Who said it was my pee? The world isn't going to clean every bathroom for you, once in a while you find a turd floating in a public bathroom, should we shame all the public poopers too? If you want your toilet to meet certain standards you're going to have to do these things for yourself or hire a personal toilet…
I have worked in food service where cleaning the bathroom was part of my job. I've also had disgusting roommates male and female and have spent enough time cleaning up grown people's piss and shit and period blood that a little sprinkle on a public toilet seat is not something I'm going to freak the fuck out over.
We've all accidentally sat in piss at some point. Wipe it off and get the fuck over it. The world isn't going to cater to your bathroom needs
It ain't our fault you don't look before you pee
As a disembodied penis, I am always commando ;D
Marc Anthony is verrrrry popular in Spanish speaking countries, don't know what their divorce settlement looked like, but I'm sure she's getting a piece of that
I still like the movie Selena
I'm having serious boob envy
Haven't I gone through enough?
I'm GreyjoysMissingMember and I've been saying this for years
I really don't need anyone to validate my breast size
I hardly think the two are comparable, the reason it's "more prevalent" in boys is partially because girls often go undiagnosed for YEARS and into adulthood, how about a study on that issue?
I don't know how I feel about the fact that their only researching boys on this, but at least they're getting somewhere... sort of. I guess girls with autism will have to wait their turn