
Thirty-five minutes in and it's already a snooze-fest.

Used to feel like I needed to be in intensive care. I highly recommend laparoscopic hysterectomy. But that's just me. There's gotta be a better way.

Yep, the day after you feel like you took a punch to the head, or run over by a bus.

That CT scan or MRI is ultra pricey but ten years down the road you might be really glad that it was done to show a baseline reference. Btw, those fuckers cost too much money in the US even for the well insured.

Yes, migraines won't kill you but you wish they would. A neurologist is the best hope.

Something to consider —- long term use of NSAIDS may cause kidney cancer. May. I just found out the hard way with a radical nephrectomy. I used to have awful periods with migraines and fertility issues with endometriosis - started medicating with Advil and then Aleve. Never took more than the regular dose and always

Your doggie is adorable! Keep her close and warm.

For some reason most actors are tiny.

“Discounts at the head shop for having a military ID...”

Crampon stilettos. I'd either buy them or produce their first record.

I’ll stack up my drunk asshole husband against yours any day.

Mark, you make me laugh. I'll be tagging along with everyone else following your hairy ass.

You got that right!

I love my heated floors! Best home investment ever.

I have lots of marble which is beautiful —- but I have to constantly work on keeping my mental chill about it.

I love me a happy bebeh! He's precious.

“Furby didn’t live through lunch.”

I agree with you. From what I've read, his lawyers are actually pretty good guys. Obviously I believe he's guilty scum - and I think his defense team was disgusted by him anyway.

His lawyers didn’t comfort him at all. The dude had a meltdown going on before the verdicts were read. The comparison to Oscar Pistorias was spot on. Looks like a histrionic personality disorder to me, with a large measure of sexual predator tossed in for fun.

So this is what it comes down to. We’re having to train our children to disarm shooters whom we wouldn’t deny selling assault rifles to.