
Thank you. My grandmother used to recite this one just for me and I had quite forgotten it until now. You’ve brought her voice back to me today and it is beautiful!

You can't see them, but I awarded you 100 stars because I'm still laughing.

From Food and Wine

At least Miley has talent.

Because she didn’t go to college.

And they have an inordinate amount of ass.

Exactly what does “prepared to go” to college mean? That she took her SAT? Reserved her dorm room? Bought a notebook? Polished her ass?

Her secret is Annie Leibowitz. Everyone always looks fabulous in her portraits. We should all be so lucky.

I’d forgotten about the spit! My hair was slightly frizzy curl, but my cousin’s was just frankly frizzy and her mom was psycho. My aunt would chase her everyday, hold the child down and spit brush her hair. They would scream at each other entire time. I got PTSD just from watching it, can’t imagine what happened to

Aw Mindymoo I feel for you. Surely the cider and cooking buoy your spirit - and thanks for sharing! A spiced chai cider sounds delicious.


In my lifetime, I’ve seen flowers stop riot police, bring an end to the Vietnam War, and crumble the Berlin Wall. I’ve seen a man stop the advance of a tank armed with nothing more than a plastic shopping bag in Tiananmen Square. Sometimes, these gestures and symbols of hope and peace are all we have to to protect our

Of course. Gads. Sorry for the nut jobs.

Hey Slips, when did you change your name? I am a sometimes (most times) tipsy follower and therefore easily confused.

I like the way your mind works - you should audition for Jeopardy.

Ah man, some people have all the luck. I think in our family line we have some oilies (as in dry hole), some grifters, drifters, batterers, and trailer trash. And that’s just who’s coming for Thanksgiving.

It's a small miracle I'm not. This is why I raised my girls as feminists. BC pills have seriously delayed my grand motherhood and I am good with that!

Was driving to PetsMart but will now detour to the local adult toy store instead. So much shopping to do, so little time.....

“As Seen On TV”