
This is why I come here. Thank yo!

Just sent a typically tardy but wordie (sp) reply. Don’t ever think that just because you don’t hear from me that I don’t love and respect you :)

This damn week. I’m gonna blow an artery.

Whoa —- did that just happen?

I’m going to die of rage stroke. It’s getting harder to cope with all this bullsh*t.

Wait times are long in the US too. You simply can’t see a doctor for a sore throat or a fever, etc within 48-36 hours in most areas. Specialists visits are booked at least a month out most must wait six months. I had to wait four months to schedule a neurosurgeon to remove a spinal cyst. So the argument that

As an American who is covered with health insurance through my spouse’s Fortune 500 company I can tell you that there is still incredible stress. The plans offered to us get worse every year —- premiums, deductibles and co-pays go higher and benefits are slashed. Dental and prescription drug coverage for us is little

Trump couldn’t pass a third grade civics test.

Historic. Moving. Truth.

This speech was just extraordinary. Michelle Obama has lifted us all up.

The other Trumper, Kayleigh McEneny, always wears her crucifix prominently as well.

Yeah, I don’t think he can prepare for a debate. Meaning, I don’t think The Donald is capable of studying for anything. I can’t wait for next year’s tell all books authored by everyone associated with his campaign. Can you imagine what it must be like trying to herd this guy into expressing a coherent message? Not

The magic “A” pill can only do so much.

Target washcloths forevah! White. No colors.

You are an enlightened being and absolutely correct. Washcloth for the face (a clean one every time) and hands for the body. And that white bar of expensive perfumed soap is just for me. No touchy.

I had to take the high dose Vitamin D, too. Can’t tell you how great I felt when my levels finally got back to normal. Now I take a maintainence dose of 4,000 iu per day.

Vice Principles is my latest great discovery.

Saw your flooding on the news. Unnerving. We have friends there that barely made it home safe. What's this winter going to be like?

Hey congrats on your new place! So happy to hear that you're no longer spending so much of your life on the highway. And tell those doggies to settle down now 🐺🐺🐺

Wow, according to these commercials, Madison Avenue has finally figured out water is important, y’all.