
So you’re paying all that money for one size fits all? Bullshit. Go to Chico’s where three sizes fits all.

“Complete the look with this headband I just found under the couch.”

Nope. That diaper pail smells disgusting. I have two sets of friends using cloth diapers and a diaper service —- both houses are stinky! Pew.

My husband napped through this part.


I do NOT want to smell anybody’s anything —- cigarette smoke, vapes, cologne, sweat, breath, farts, burps, feet, etc. Let’s all do our private parts to eliminate or reduce as many smells as possible. Thank you.

Maybe more science classes and less field trips/videos in U.S. schools? Obviously, something’s broken in our education model. Or, it could be the Kardashian effect.

I’m ghostly white, too and also want full coverage. And really, isn’t that the whole point of using foundation?

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You know we can always return to kinda’ scary looking. We’ll just call it “Artistic”!

Viv’ can do what she wants! She’s ALWAYS been her own woman. Always kinda scary looking but, I can respect that. She's a treasure.

Sorry, don’t count on it. I (30 yrs ago) thought they’d have come up with a cure for menopause by now! Srsly WTF. Engineer some useful genes already, please. I’m never giving up my FemRing hormone replacement......FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!!

“I’m praying for the victims.”

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Oh yes, BRILLIANT headband! I might actually be able to craft poochies!

IF I can accomplish anything like your face here, I’m not gonna waste it on adults.

I'm gonna follow you just for that!

I use makeup every - single - day. I wear it because my husband likes it. *I am the June Cleaver of makeup*.

Starred in honor of your “permadrunk grandmother”.

I had to switch to gel for durability. Unfortunately, the color selection is decidedly limited which is just a crying shame.