Anyone who owns a bakers rack full o’ nail polish deserves a legion of followers. Ergo, I have just joined your caravan.
Anyone who owns a bakers rack full o’ nail polish deserves a legion of followers. Ergo, I have just joined your caravan.
Also see the documentary Anne Perry: Interiors.
Oh, for me this is worse so much worse.
You are a true professional and deserve some kind of commendation from a grateful public. Kudos my friend. Kudos!
I’m so sorry - I’m such a bad human, but this story made me laugh so hard! To find that crazed spider on the EYE of your new human ...... Talk about PTSD! Y'all ain't never gonna get over the trauma of that. Here, I'm sending you bundles of imaginary internet cash to go on an extended vacation. You deserve it. F_ck,…
They’re not spiders?!? GTFOH
Your greyhound would be the fastest, biggest spider EVER!
Re evil looking Bichon on the left: Yep, that is one sketchy lookin’ white puffball. Totally untrustworthy dog! (My favorite kind).
LMFAO I am enjoying this way too much.
Bubble Bandit! It’s freaking amazing on removing dishwasher buildup and will give you ultra clear glassware! It’s the detergent recommended by our appliance store - we just updated our kitchen - but I used it on our old dishwasher to sell it. $parkled I tell you. It’s a powder, really cheap and you only use about 2…
Regularly means at least once a week. Just sayin’.
You are a stellar human being and I am pleased to meet you.
I don’t know what’s going on across the U.S., but why are people dressing so badly in really nice restaurants? This summer we’ve seen lots of dirty feet in flip flops, women in booty shorts, and hairy guys rocking wife-beaters and Crocs. Hella’ gross. Plus, I'm not describing tourists but locals who know better.
I’ve had lotsa’ surgeries (some elective, some emergency) and it seems that the quality of care has been steadily improving in my area. By far the nurses I’ve encountered have been very good and a handful were just extraordinary. I do remember a couple of really awful ones, but thankfully they were in the minority.
Aw shucks, you’re very sweet.
“No hang no pie”.
Nooooo!!!!! Do not go anywhere near the name of that book/movie. Saddest story I've ever read! Actually, my fourth grade teacher read it to the whole class. Picture 28 little kids crying their eyes out.
I’ll show up just for your Key Lime pie!
I’m still laughing over “kitty Roka”.