And now my cat just bit my boob!
And now my cat just bit my boob!
Anthropologie was selling a photo book, “Old Dogs Are The Best Dogs”.
I am just starring everybody. I am team CAN’T CHOOSE!
The Cause and Effects Cats. Yes, I has ‘em.
He studied with Demi Moore.
My haus.
We had a cat when I was little that would vacation with us in the family trailer. Wherever we’d park at night, my parents would open the door and kitty would go roam. Freaked me out every evening but the cat always came back for bedtime. He was awesome. My parents not so much.
OMG that’s my dog under that cat’s tail!
This is how I wanna go.
Please go see a doctor if you haven’t gone already. Try some therapy and meds. Humans are supposed to feel happy and content most of the time - not plagued by depression and anxiety. A chemically well balanced individual functions in society and can cope with whatever comes. Keep searching for happiness, contentment,…
I’m wondering if you lived at a more tropical latitude overseas? If so, perhaps longer daylight exposure made a positive difference in your mood?
Brilliant! You’re fortunate to have recognized that this consistently works to lessen your anxiety. Isn't it interesting how seriously grateful we feel towards whatever and whomever provides relief?
“IF convicted”?!?
Had a pail full of sand rain down on me from an overhead bin while boarding at TPA. Some idiot tourist dad had stuffed his kiddies beach toys in an open top tote. Getting smacked with a Birkin sounds infinitely better than flying two hours feeling sand settle into my nether regions.
“Do you guys hate cake and Disneyland too?”
I could totally be the queen —- money, jewels, palaces, staff, a squad of Corgis. Yup. No prob.
Fantastic shot of QE2 in her Range Rover. I aspire to this look in fact, I have her expression down pat already. Fair warning when I turn 65, I’m totally going to rock it.
I’m sure there’s NIH grant money available for you to study this phenomena.
Porta Potties - nope I don’t doo it. I'm too old and too rich for that shit.