Too bad your brother’s mom doesn’t do more to address that. I guess the quality of blended families has a lot to do with the quality of the parents involved.
Too bad your brother’s mom doesn’t do more to address that. I guess the quality of blended families has a lot to do with the quality of the parents involved.
My guess is that the poor sibling feels like shit. I wish I knew more about this!
Do they get a say on how the money is spent? Honest question. I think here they can’t. You trust that the other parent is spending the money responsibly, and if you know they’re not, you have to go to court. But I don’t think a judge would approve having different standards of living for children who live in the same…
that NYT article doesn’t mention the one thing i found most troubling, when I read this in my local NJ news, the woman is only getting $28 a week for the one baby that did match the father. HOW THE HELL DOES $1456 IN A YEAR HELP WITH THE COST OF CHILD-REARING?! Un-fucking real.
I use protection, but I once had a couple guys overlap and became super paranoid. WHAT IF I’M PREGNANT? HOW AM I GONNA KNOW WHO’S THE FATHER? That’s too much work. I sleep with one guy at a time now.
Let’s not automatically assume it was cheating, now. Open relationships are actually a thing and could have been in play here. (But most likely, cheating is the answer)
a rare phenomenon classically illustrated in medical textbooks with a black baby and a white baby who are twins.
May lead to some murders also.
No no no, you’re missing the point. The point is, apparently, WHAT A SLUT she must be to sleep with two separate people within a week.
Be careful out there ladies.
Every full moon, a little rabbit goes out into the garden and leaves a precious bundle of baby in exchange for some carrots. She leaves it under a little rock. In the morning, if the mommy wants to get pregnant, she holds the daddy’s hand and they go together to the rock, pull it up, and pick out their kid together.…
Which is what the judge here certainly will be doing. Not sure why there’s a thought that this will be “fodder for the legal books.” It’s simply and straightforward, and the addition of the two-fathers thing actually complicates the underlying issues so it’s not helpful to learn doctrine. I guarantee this will be in…
I have to wonder...was this woman biting her nails the whole time? She was going after her boyfriend for child support with the knowledge that she’d slept with someone else the week she’d gotten pregnant. She had to think of the possibility that her boyfriend was perhaps not the father of either child...
That seems a little intrusive
How is babby formed? How girl get pragnent?
“Wu says sperm can hang around in your vagina for around five days...”
I TOLD the classroom doctor (via anonymous question that was more of a leading question) that this could happen in my sex ed class 20 years ago. He brushed it off as impossible and/or a very silly question. SUCK IT DR. CARLSON!
because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins
Coffee grinder with a keef catcher. Cool.
Coffee grinder with a keef catcher. Cool.