
Yes because two children resulted from one pregnancy.

No; theyre twins, and half siblings.

Rich dad nor poor dad has a say in how CS funds are spent. Some ladies use it on themselves.

This is the same Madonna who was a rape victim when she retold a story of her close "friend" being anally raped through her giggles.

Here's an unpopular opinion:

Why are you still talking?

How was I just on her facebook page then? AFAYK isn't VF.

THE PERSON IN IT finds it embarrassing and shameful.

It's kind of awkward that you're on an "anti-shame" platform but your using an embarrassing photo of a girl that was basically put out to shame her.

Oh look! Another white person who doesn't "get the connection".

tvmuse dot com

Jasons in her moms bed, not hers...

Ugh don't do that.

They can't attack their skill level, because mediocre Black athletes are not allowed in white dominated sports.


But is anybody going to talk about the elephant in the room?

Right! This is called a "Tennesee Tuxedo" and it was not invented this fall. I'm pretty sure my mom has been rocking that look for at least over 20 years.

I read this story somewhere else on the internet first. I'm not particularly privy to LaGuardia HS info.

This is the official statement from the school. Essentially, Nicki wanted to film in the school.

Fuck Joan Rivers.