
Absolutely, and oh my gosh this is Jezebel for you. I have said it before (sorry for being broken record), but Jezebel does a terrible job in the way it reports on, or handles any material relating to the global South. The site is full to the brim with reductive, intolerant, pieces regarding the developing world that

Let me ask a blunt question about these western countries. How is it they can scrape out every last diamond and drop of oil but can’t be bothered to help the human element they’re stepping over?

I think it’s fatuous to suggest that a lack of resources or money is the reason why 15.8 million American children are living in food-insecure homes. It would absolutely be possible for the US to adequately feed and house all its citizens — what it lacks is the political willpower. (It’s not a coincidence, by the way,

Considering some of the nastiness going down in Libya and other places right now, I’m not sure the dad was totally wrong to do this. Considering how dangerous the trip is by boat, he probably thought the kid was safer in a carry on.

Depending on their background, living in Ivory Coast would probably be more traumatizing than temporarily being stuck in a suitcase.

The father was a resident of Spain, but his son was not. I’m sure he thought he was making the right choice to be able to raise his son in Spain, rather than Ivory Coast. Not to detract at all from how traumatizing it must have been for the little boy, but I think the context here is important, and it’s missing from

God damn that picture is creepy.

I kinda think Rose McGowan and Vanilla Ice should go out with each other! And make a reality show about it. I have no shame, I would watch that.

You're making an assumption. The only thing apparent is that they neither wanted the remains to be destroyed by developers nor studied by the anthropologists.


I get what you're saying but the larger picture is that the US has already wasted an incredible amount of land on suburban sprawl. We don't need more Wal-Marts, nor do we need more strip malls. If we don't use already developed land more efficiently we're going to mindlessly pave over every square inch of land that

I think the bigger story is American's general lack of care over ancient and historical sites of is Native people. Why should they be, their decedents are all buried in Europe or other places (where ancient and historical sites are actually valued and respected).

humans are obviously the only bodies of any value here, were it dinosaurs or some endangered whatever the property value of the homes would have tripled

No, but it may enlighten you as t0 how ridiculous your opinion is.

To you, dead is dead. Have a little talk with the people in question before you decide what they should think.

"moved per the the wishes of Indians, whose other option was to watch it be destroyed by money hungry developers"

"Sounds like the Indians were not even aware of this site". Where in the blipping article does it suggest that? Or you just making assumptions to fit your opinion.

I can't believe you were cheated out of your own Walmart. It's really just heartbreaking. How far do you have to travel as a result, to buy cheap Chinese-made plastic shit?

dude you are comparing "please dont digg up our people" vs "please pave our cementry for your housing project"