
Agreed 100%. This is from his vine, and looks like an advertisement..

That was not OPs point..

Please STFU

I'm hurting the cause of equality by acknowledging that I am not equal. Got it.

I'm black, so your assessment is 100% wrong.

I'm afraid that you're wrong and racist and I can no longer hold a conversation with a turd. Later, turd.

Making these cases all about "racism in america" only serve to perpetuate inequality by making POC "victims of the system" who need a different set of rules.

It could be like a blind date, but not romantic, for lonlies, like me.

That's because "we're" single, and no one ever asks "us" out.

Your wife takes massive shits.

1. I am a woman. Are you? Or are you a man whose just been in a lot of fights with women?? *side-eye*

I'm not even sure what you're talking about, later!

Of all the double standards that exist between the sexes... men "not being able to" hit women is the one you're deeply focused on. And you don't even want to hit women!

When Google Earth first came out I "went" to Sudan. As I zoomed in there was an icon of a campfire. I kept zooming in and each fire would branch off into 20. Literally everything in Sudan has been burned to the ground at least once.

Theres a wiki entry! I have no idea what he's talking about..

I would suggest learning a little about Sudan before the white man showed up. I'm certain it was at its best then. And if by function you mean, only for the white people, then yes, it functioned.

9.9/10 non-whites would've preferred they died. But you're racist, so you wouldn't be able to make that connection easily.

Soooo. You want to be able to make racist jokes as lon as we 'get to' make jokes about white people? Try it.

Oh, get off it.

I don't really know if anyone is delighted, as much as hoping that this turn of events opens the politicians eyes to policies that can prevent those kinds of incidents from happening in every household, not just theirs, which yes, I would feel similarly in that instance.