
Thank goodness, I was having trouble finding the "princess" setting on my beard trimmer.

God I wish Azkaban were a real thing. But actual prison will do.

Think about the repercussions, though.

Yay... I guess? How shitty is it that we feel any happiness in a scenario where someone was raped. Thanks, society, way to wear me down.

the same people who think this dude was "too drunk" to commit rape think that drunk women deserve to get raped. I'm so glad that he was convicted.

When I rented I was held liable for damage to my apartment that I created. Why would a man not cleaning up after himself thus causing damage to property not be held accountable? Absolutely ridiculous and I hope the landlord appeals. It sounds like this judge cared more about this guys masculinity and "domestication"

Uh yeah I guess but pissing in public and waving your dick around for all to see is different than a mother letting her baby get its drank on in a Target. There's a difference between the double standard of American nudity and like being justifiably weirded out by seeing guys take a leak in public while abroad.

I just do not understand how he's making the leap from "men must be allowed to pee standing up" to "peeing standing up means they can't be held accountable for making a mess." Like do we even need to start listing all the things you have a "right" to do in your home that can still lead to property damage and the loss

But... if it caused damage, it caused damage. Sure, you can legally piss wherever you want, and leave it for as long as you want, fine, whatever. But why would you not have to pay for the damage? Why should the landlord have to pay for the damage?

Oh, it was the floor near the toilet in his bathroom. Here I was thinking he sued for the right to unzip and piss on the carpet right in the middle of his living room or something.

. . . or the damage his acidic urine may cause to the floor.

"Judge Stefan Hank said men who insist on standing must expect occasional rows with housemates, especially women but cannot be held to account for collateral damage....despite growing domestication of men in this matter, urinating while standing up is still widespread".

I don't understand how guys get so bent out of shape over this. I go standing up for convience (I also don't piss on the seat, its not that difficult) but if it was the done thing to sit I literally wouldn't care. MRA victim complex so hard here.

"Hello! I love indigenous persons!"

Beauty school drop-ouuuuuut, go back to ... wherever it is you came from.

He needs to smoke her up. I would totally watch that.

I appreciate Courtney Stodden's outstanding fake eyelash game, but that lip liner is wrong.

What Kateperegrinate said. Contact your local shelters. Most of them have donation wishlists. ALSO, don't buy your own sanitary stuff. Contact sanitary supply companies first, tell them you are working with a non profit to procure sanitary supplies and see if you can get them for free. I once had my sex-ed

There have been times in my life that I have been poor enough to have no access to sanitary supplies, and it is absolutely 100% humiliating and stressful. I have several stories, most of them from middle school.