grey ayanami

So, basically, Jake Paul is just good enough to kind of maybe fake it effectively? You’re giving these people too much credit.  The entire thing is one big scam.

Anna Paquin didn’t do the character justice. Rogue needed to be played by a woman with more moxie. The kind of woman who can call people, “Sugar”, unironically.

When an audience member asked him about the January 6 insurrection—inquiring as to whether Cawthorn and other members of Congress would “call us to Washington again”—the North Carolina congressman responded: “We are actively working on that one... We have a few plans in motion that I can’t make public right now.”

Overall, personally, I was disappointed. It feels to me that racial issues are used as window dressing without any actual points about them being made. Also, a large part of what made Candyman so frightening in the original was his ability to seduce. That characteristic is sorely lacking in the new film.

For me, personally, the subject matter deserves a reverence that Fortnite does not afford.

It’s just unnecessary. I’m in no way trying to say employees shouldn’t unionize. The writer could get their point across better, more efficiently, without the soapbox posturing.  It should be acceptable to call them out for it.

Because the article is being written from a perspective of feigned ignorance and therefore does not perhaps come across as genuinely as it should?

Chile, please.  You wrong and you know it.

You make some very good points.

When you ask yourself the question, “Could this somehow be offensive to Black people”? and the answer is yes, or even maybe, then it is a bad idea. At best this is a cheap gimmick obviously meant more to draw eyes to a video game than out of any idea of civil duty.  The whole thing is gross.  Sorry. 

Please name one company in the history of companies that welcomed unionization with open arms. Of course the guy is going to give a babbling market-speak answer to any questions about unionizing. At worst, you “got ‘em” on a flub about ‘not thinking about it much’. Believe me, the corporate heads are thinking about

I’m fairly certain you could prove in a court of law that scientifically, fucking horse de-wormer is dangerous to humans, and in no way battles COVID.

Madonna has more #1 hits on the pop chart than any other artist male or female at 50. #2 is Rihanna with 33. Janet Jackson has 20. I don’t care how “problematic” you think she is, by virtually any legitimate metric Madonna is a better pop artist than Janet.

Yes but not all speech is protected.  There are several categories of speech that aren’t, including “False statements of fact” which I believe opens the door in this specific case.  Let’s say for example that the president tells people that ingesting cyanide will cure COVID.  Thousands of people start dying because

The Matrix Reloaded clone fight scene was laughably awful even by the standards of the CGI when it released.  It does not belong on this list.

Madonna has sold three times the albums Janet has.  Sorry.  By no objective metric can Janet Jackson be considered the Queen of Pop. You’re wrong.

Boxing was sorely lacking credibility long before Paul entered the show.

I don’t know, seems like public safety would allow for some type of justification legally. Admittedly I’m not a law scholar, far from it, but if there’s a path to making health related claims that can be proven false and dangerously so unprotected that would be it right?

The law certainly allows for it...

These false statements of fact are a public health danger and shouldn’t be protected under our freedom of speech, let alone supported by a private company who damn well knows better.  Your rights to spout dumbass gibberish ends when my life is at stake.  Fuck Reddit.