grey ayanami

Well, it seemed like Kotaku was loading up on the rage-bait with the editor change, but this article clinched it for me. I can’t read this site anymore. I mean, I’m a literature nerd who is very interested to see if the game lives up to its promised themes, but for god’s sake, it was a gameplay-oriented preview! Of

So I do commend you for bringing up Ubisoft’s toxicity, especially as this is the most I’ve seen it brought up in article about their games. But I do have to call out that not too long ago there was an article on here gushing about the new asscreed dlc without any mention of the allegations, iirc. And sometimes when

I logged on after over a year of exile specifically to say that this is one of the most bad faith reads of an article I’ve seen on this site.

I’m down with Off White

Tom Joyner beat you by a few years on that one

So a violent man who was abusing a woman and her child should NOT be arrested...because it might require physical force...and he is black?!

So....your solution is that women and children should just endure abuse and not call the police?  Because the police might use physical violence to restrain a violent person?!?

I suppose that's fair. I don't love posturing, I just don't think it's worth pointing out most times.

My understanding is that the later rulings changed the wording to something like falsely call fire in a crowded theatre” which obviously does not change the spirit. If that’s wrong I’d like to know, I’m hardly a scholar on American law but it is a famous phrase. In any case I don’t really care if he later recanted,

Exactly - the whole point of the misinformation is to get more people infected and killed by a virus. It’s not “oh this person said something false”, it’s “this person is trying to get people killed”.

When you ask yourself the question, “Could this somehow be offensive to Black people”? and the answer is yes, or even maybe, then it is a bad idea.

agreed. it looked downright goofy back then. Even the Matrix Revolutions fight seen with Neo and Smith looked like a poorly CGI-ed rip off of Dragonball Z

Look, you might be just fine licking boots in your industry, and more power to you. The rest of us understand that “everyone does it this way” is not an excuse for anyone doing it this way. “It’s bad everywhere, so we should just give up trying to make it better anywhere,” is a cowardly, lazy outlook.

Absolutely, it’s just seeing the low-water mark so fucking low is still a bit shocking.

If you read the history of rulings related to false statements, you’ll see that it mostly related to defamation-related statements. Outside of some marketing related laws and regulations, there isn’t really much that can be done with it within the current structure of the laws.

Actually, I think you could make an argument that spreading demonstrably false public health information in the midst of a public health crisis is equivalent to yelling “fire” in a movie theater on a global scale.

I do. That said, I also live in Chicago, so... 

I’m pretty sure the point is that nothing in this article is serious, so you shouldn’t be taking it so seriously.

I’m sure the author is.....right?!

Love how you dismissed every comment on your thread just to get rid of me calling out for defending Ubisoft...