grey ayanami

I think Jenna Fischer needs a better agent.  How did she not turn playing America’s sweetheart on a hugely popular tv show into, well, anything?

Yes, I dismissed Heather Alexandra’s comment because people were using it to launch personal insults.  Ban me, idgaf.


Dismissing all replies because Kotaku readers are apparently butthurt babies and I’m not in the mood to be harassed by a bunch of strangers on the internet who don’t fucking know a godamned thing about me telling me I’m a neckbeard. Piss off with your fake outrage over a dumb joke. Jesus.

It’s not a bad faith read. I was kidding.

Also, for the record... Us Beige people put sriracha in our mayonnaise so nyah!

Wait... Is this article about the lack of integrity in games journalism?!?

Okay, here’s the plan... We need to pit Florida against Texas somehow and let them all kill each other off.  We give POC 1 month to evacuate.

Unfamiliar.  Can you link to him talking about it?  

Yeah, luckily (?) I am covered with freckles so I think maybe I can get away with saying I’m ‘speckled’?

If you find Destiny impenetrable you should try Warframe. heh.

Michael Shannon is criminally underrated as an actor.

Sounds to me like you’re picking on a man with fairly severe mental health problems.

I let it ruin any and all future relationships and constantly idealize suicide?

The thing about open relationships is that for the vast majority of people they simply do not work. One partner steps outside the relationship more often than the other causing jealousy and eventually resentment. I’ve seen it dozens of times. I would bet dollars to donuts that SHRINKS is definitely setting himself up

I guess we are lucky you’re psychic and can tell us what is REALLY happening here, eh? 3rd degree cruelty to a child. This is obviously the reason the police were called. Harris was allegedly physically harming a kid. So, should the police not be called to protect victims of domestic abuse? Should the police let the

Since he was charged with 3rd degree cruelty to a child, in other words, physically causing a child’s harm, I’m guessing the call to the police was warranted.  

Aging actress wants to throw shade at the industry on her way out the door, got it.

Aging actress wants to throw shade at the industry on her way out the door, got it.