I wouldn’t even give Beyonce Court Jester.
I wouldn’t even give Beyonce Court Jester.
Yes, I stretched the mythos just a little bit. Does that really offend you so? Also I read the original story from In The Flesh around 1985 so yes, I am familiar. Always wanted to see a live/animated version of In The Hills, The Cities personally.
Did you guys hear SouljaBoy owns Atari?
The author wrote Candyman 5(+) times in this article. I hope she’s got life insurance!
Seems more likely he will be the MCU’s introduction to the street level heroes. How long does Netflix still have a stranglehold on DD/Punisher/et al?
God bless this man’s ability to play the viral juggernaut of social media like a fiddle. He’s a force of Troll Nature.
Explain to me how forcing the company out of business helps the employees.
The script may have left it ambiguous but obviously alluded to her death during the heist because her character was no longer in the story after that scene right? And the film failed commercially so the chances of her character coming back even if she wasn’t killed onscreen were nil. And she had a chance to read the…
Yeah, it says a lot that the Wakanda DLC bump is already very quickly wearing off. The Avengers game should just pack up and disappear now.
Racism: A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
My bad. Point is, Harvey is an old school man whose beliefs are painfully behind the times. He is every bit as ‘problematic’ as Richards. I’m just trying to figure if that’s the point of the article? Like, the author is being sarcastic right? I hope the author is being sarcastic...
Fair enough. Good points. I mean it sounds like Elden Ring will allow players to summon help (players or npcs) for the extra hard parts so maybe this is the entry you’ve been waiting for?
: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
You’re not gated off from it altogether. Nobody is keeping you from playing. Nobody is keeping you from watching playthroughs. You can practice and get good enough to beat the game. Whether that’s worth your time is your decision. I mean there are people who can’t play video games at all. Let’s say I’m just the worst,…
So DaBaby is cancelled for homophobic rants but DojaCat gets a pass, even though she still hasn’t really apologized for homophobic remarks about Tyler, or hanging out with racist incels, or “Dindu Nuffin” mocking police brutality? I’m so confused. How can I stay woke if the rules aren’t applied equally?
Not really applicable either as bowling and running aren’t part of the moviegoing experience. I used the example of Beethoven’s music before. Let’s say I enjoy playing music but can’t wrap my head around the complexities of his work. Should he dumb down the music to cater to my personal wishes even though it goes…
I can’t play Beethoven’s 5th symphony. Beethoven should make his music more simple so that I can enjoy it too. I’m not the one telling strangers over the internet to suck my dick over a fucken game, mate.
We are talking about a social climate in which people lose their minds over a white woman daring to play a robot on film and are willing to send death threats over Starbuck ‘Holiday’ cups. It’s easier listing things people don’t get bent out of shape about. If Bob Ross was alive today people would try and cancel him…
We are talking about a social climate in which people lose their minds over a white woman daring to play a robot on film and are willing to send death threats over Starbuck ‘Holiday’ cups. It’s easier listing things people don’t get bent out of shape about. If Bob Ross was alive today people would try and cancel him…