Oh hey! I think I learned about this in Fortnite! Looking forward to Right Wing parents crying about CRT being forced on little Timmy in his videah games.
Oh hey! I think I learned about this in Fortnite! Looking forward to Right Wing parents crying about CRT being forced on little Timmy in his videah games.
How are they going to force CEO’s to donate their bonuses? How does shutting down the companies help the victims? Like I said, I stopped playing Blizzard games. Also stopped playing Ubisoft games. The only real point I have been trying to argue is that boycotts are not guaranteed to fix the problem. Hell, even if…
How does believing that hard games shouldn’t have easy settings make one a subhuman? Why does having a benign opinion about a video game mean someone should suck your dick? Are you okay? Seriously. Why does a video game opinion make you so angry?
this is where we are supposed to yell at you to git gud right?
Yes. People who have a different opinion than my own MUST be racist sexists? Are you okay?
Because that isn’t the experience the creative team wants to deliver? I don’t like romance movies. Should romance movies cater to my tastes or should I just realize that not everything is meant for me and that’s fine?
Making a difficult game isn’t disrespecting your time. Beating your head against a wall in a game you aren’t having fun with is disrespecting your own time. Maybe the games just aren’t for you if you don’t enjoy the experience that so many others do appreciate?
Because the discussion is being had there with people who remain respectful. You’re just an asshole.
Because that discussion is taking place there not here. In case you missed it this article is about Saint’s Row. How is questioning the effectiveness of boycotts defending Ubisoft? Let’s talk about it over there? Or were you just trying to win internet points?
You don’t know what pervasive culture means, apparently. Culture affects EVERYONE.
And homosexuals and women. He is an equal opportunity bigot.
The women are working in what the lawsuit calls a “toxic frat boy culture”. The term culture means that it is a constantly pervasive environment, not a few isolated incidents. Why are you so eager to discredit Blizzard employees in a discussion about Blizzard? The employees who participated in the strike called for…
Steve Harvey is a prima donna well known for treating his staff like dog shit. He’s also guilty of racist skits from January making fun of Asian men. He’s also a long standing misogynist and homophobe with too many examples to count.
From a recent article discussing the merits of boycotting problematic developers...
Somehow, questioning boycotts means i am a rape apologist. Even though Kotaku themselves have already had this exact discussion and clearly state valid opinions on both sides...
Um, wrong article you fucking psychopath? Please tell me how boycotting the companies will help the employees? If what you say is true, boycotting will only serve to get those employees laid off sooner. Why are you so angry?
Kotaku must be rape apologists too. WHy aren’t you boycotting them, this article even! for continuing to cover Ubisoft and Blizzard games. Not just the harassment claims. This article is about a theme park Ubisoft wants to open. You’re giving Kotaku ad revenue to support Ubisoft. You must be a rape apologist too!…
I mean, they’re still writing about Mike Pence on an almost daily basis?
It was a light joke. Lighten up.