grey ayanami

Exactly. Pretty much every single MCU costume looks like it was designed by the same person.  I mean, it was great the first few times compared to those old foam muscle costumes from back in the day, but we are beyond derivative now.

Where the fuck were all these airheads when congress was passing the patriot act?

I misread your comment and apologize.  Same with Overwatch.  That game was 100% sold on it’s inclusive cast which is pretty ironic considering the actions of some of those who made it.  If I’ve said it once... We shouldn’t be relying on capitalism to forward social progress.  They’re only ever in it for the money. 

Hey Kotaku... Where’s the Chris Chan article?

Something tells me the CoD fanbase isn’t going to care much about the Blizzard controversy.

I feel like we’ve gone over this?  Remember the same arguments being shot down over and over again when the Battlefield V trailer came out?

No i absolutely agree, I think if they just mimicked Kirby’s aesthetic in live action it would look goofy.

I mean, in their defense, it would look a little suspicious to say she was arrested for being Black, wouldn’t it?



Excellent points

Yeah, probably not enough meat on the bones to flesh out a complete story but it is kind of interesting how superheroes never really have to do any investigating to unearth villainous plots.  The bad guys always seem to drop the evidence right on their front door.

This mother fucker got off after they played video footage of him pissing on an underage girl in court. For my own sanity, I cannot follow this story.

You are entitled to your bad opinion. ;P

While I agree 100% that it is much more prevalent and much more dangerous on the Right, this same contrarianism has been growing on the Left too.

Americans define themselves by opposition.  Thanks for proving my point.  Appreciated.

When are we going to stop pretending that the followers of Christian faith aren’t responsible for more pain and suffering than any other group in human history? Why is there still this social stigma shrouding atheism? It’s ridiculous and mind boggling that we still cling to the idea that atheists are somehow less

Actually the linked article goes in depth about how the polio vaccine was largely accepted by the population as in the 50's apparently people actually believed in science.  The internet is both the best and worst idea humans have so far conceived.

Yeah.  My fear is that the movie she wanted to make has nothing at all to do with the source material.

Yeah, I think the Grandmaster’s tower in Thor 3 had a little bit of it but that’s the only thing that comes anywhere close, at least to me.