grey ayanami

That’s actually kind of an interesting idea for a comic story.  Imagine if the Avengers had not been aware of the Infinity Stones and so never noticed Thanos in the first place, at least not until it was too late?  Kind of like the antithesis to the old trope where the villain describes their plan in great detail

I got bored half-way through but you’re obviously a Nazi.

I think the fact that less than 6% of Americans identify as LGBTQ and that a much smaller percentage defines each sub-group has a large impact on what you speak about. As much as LGBTQ people are oppressed, they’re also pulling from a much much smaller pool of possible romantic partners.

I do think it is present to some degree in every organized religion. I have stated this elsewhere in this thread. You should perhaps read those comments before you insult people with your unsubstantiated and 100% untrue garbage opinions.

Americans define themselves by opposition.

In my mind Skyrim is more a fantasy simulator as opposed to the more arcade feel, (and more ‘artsy’ style), of something like Zelda or Warcraft. Kind of like GT and Need For Speed are offering different experiences.

Jesus, give it a rest already. The point is IF the Black Panther DLC is actually any good it’s the only good part of a universally hated product and therefore probably not worth the full price for admission. There were less than 600 avg. players in June according to the Steam charts. Less than 600 average worldwide

I get that the MCU has an aesthetic, and I’m not saying I have the answer here, but this looks just so... generic. When I think of The Eternals my first thought goes to the epic Kirby splash pages of old. His work had such a unique campy pop art sensibility that I feel really had a chance to shine in The Eternals. In

I will definitely check it out. Thanks! The Void was good, although for some reason in my head I always mix it up with Baskin, (Turkish horror), which is absolutely batshit insane.

I guess maybe The Ritual was what kind of made me think of the creature design thing? I watched a Youtube video about how derivative design studios have become and they mention that monster specifically as an example of original creativity. It was still running around in the back of my head when I commented.

I will start capitalizing black when black people stop using the word white as shorthand for racist. Enough with the minority elitism. The vast majority of ‘Black American Women’ live lives far removed from the oppression suffered by many women across the globe, be it in repressive Islamic, Communist, or third world

Not sure which was more traumatic in my youth, the Howard the Duck sex scene or the Big sex scene.

I hope they redo his suit for the new film. Not a huge fan of the tv show version. (If I was the costume designer I would SO be trying my best to hide a super subtle BLM symbol somewhere on the outfit).

And the rest of the series is absolute trash. If what the author here says is true, (an admittedly subjective opinion), it’s the only worthwhile entry in an otherwise shit tier experience. Comparison stands!

Which is like saying Bumblebee is the best Transformers movie.  While perhaps technically true, we’re talking about an awfully low bar here.

Quick question. Does finding a cis-gender female drag queen attractive mean I’m gay?

Yeah, I’m currently re-watching the original series after finishing Rebuild 4 last weekend. Amazing how well the two versions play off of one another if you adhere to the idea that Rebuild is a continuation not a redo.

I know I’m asking to be crucified here but everyone knows that Home Depot is for boys and Lowe’s is for girls.

Arguing that Home Depot not wanting BLM accessories worn as a political statement in this instance actually works in their favor. It’s only discrimination if BLM” is being worn as a statement against discrimination specifically in the workplace, not in a broader political sense.

Also, perhaps I’m wrong here, but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Darius is a man? If so, awfully ironic for a man to be telling women that they aren’t allowed to be allies in the overall feminist movement because they aren’t ‘marginalized enough’.