Gretchen Says this is not my president

And when someone asks her about the president, will she get mad and throw a tantrum, saying it’s not fair to ask me questions about my father?  

Probably so few people entering education that they need her.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly called Senator Elizabeth Warren an “impolite arrogant woman” in an email last year, after they had a conversation about the administration’s Muslim ban. Just call her a bitch, John, you know you want to! [BuzzFeed]

I’d rather they spent time asking her why she repeated the Birther shit against Obama and why she allows her husband to make a mockery of ‘Be Best’.

Just dismiss.

They’re white.

The hell she’s better than Hillary Rodham Clinton. At least HRC’s initiatives were out of a desire to better the country.

... and the hand that reached up to brush the hair out of her face began clawing and attacking her. The arm that had been attached to her when her arm was caught in trump towers elevator wasn’t her own. It belonged to an albino serial killer!

I’m 99% percent sure that she gave an interivew shortly after they first married and the interviewer made a comment about how she clearly only married him for money and her response to that was “Well, he married me for my looks so *shrug emoji*” This is a mutual arrangement, and she 100% knows what she got into.

She’s a lot older than her recently refurbished face would suggest. Her hands give it away.

This reminds me, when I was at a Joann Fabrics last week getting faux fur for my Halloween costume I saw a pattern one could buy to sew a rip-off of Melania’s blue inaugural day dress. Reader, I hid each and every one behind another pattern. I do the same thing when I see tabloids with a Trump on them. It’s a petty

Really? Because “bad” is easy for me

Money and US citizenship for her and her family.

Right, but I’m assuming she’d rather keep that under wraps regardless. 

Except it’s hard for women to get modeling contracts after they hit 30. She had to marry her useless lump of a husband before her shelf life expired.

She never cared. Please. Don’t be that naive. This marriage was never about love. This Marriage was about $$$$ from the start.  Is anybody still that naive when a younger “hotter” woman marries an older, fat, man?

What is it going to take for the media to treat this family as the wannabe despots and traitors to America that they are? Are we seriously doing a profile on Melania as if she is a legitimate first lady while Trump is STILL putting kids in cages away from their parents, suppressing votes, consolidating power, looting

I think she’s relieved he gets his elsewhere

I have honestly always thought she didn’t give a shit about his infidelity. She knows what her marriage is and what it isn’t and she’s fine with it.

I have much more important things to think about and to do.