Gretchen Says this is not my president

People claiming to be billionaires should show me their tax returns.

It’s convenient that victim testimony magically stops counting as evidence whenever rape or sexual assault is involved. If a victim identifies the person who mugged them, that’s evidence. But if a victim identifies the person who sexually assaulted them, it’s a grossly unfair character smear that means nothing.

Of course not.... theft is of property. Property is vastly more important than people.

Wasn’t he aiming for somewhere else?

“To emphasize the heroism of Columbus and his successors as navigators and discoverers, and to deemphasize their genocide, is not a technical necessity but an ideological choice. It serves–unwittingly–to justify what was done.” -Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

Fuck Trump, and fuck his celebration

Of course Trump would praise the bravery of Columbus. They have a lot in common. They’re both grifters. They both wish they could eliminate dark skinned populations.

On another article someone suggested that it was so they could say it was so full that not everyone who wanted to could get in. Basically to give the illusion that he is that popular.

B/c it looks busier and more important if you (Trump)can say that thousands of people lined up outside to see the rancid tangerine speak.

I hope Laura Ingraham burns in a fire of her own making.

“Susan Collins and Kellyanne Conway Spent the Morning Defending Brett Kavanaugh”

“We looked up and saw in him possibly our husbands, our sons, our cousins, our co-workers, our brothers.”

That's like a "time to fake my death and move to South America" text.

Implant. Transplant suggest replacement. Cannot replace that which never was.

Not if we impeach him.

Can we just call him “Ballsac Fuckface” from here on out?

She had a line, in response to the friends who’d come forward, about hoping that their daughters and granddaughters wouldn’t come forward with similar stories. I know what she’d meant to convey, but it was also weirdly, inadvertently honest because she has done a great job of insuring that.

Her whole speech was nonsensical garbage. You can’t said you believe someone, that they were compelling and honest and sincere and you believe them in 90% of their story but not on one detail. She’s trying to play both sides and hope we forget by 2020. Well we fucking won’t. 

Or people could have just swallowed their pride and voted for the person who wasn’t a lying, contract breaking, pussy grabbing con man. Seems pretty obvious to me. Glaringly so now.

How about all the dark money being funnelled into Kavanaugh’s camp? For a much longer time than just the past month? He’s been propped up by some Deep Statey forces for a long time now. She’s being disingenuous.