Gretchen Says this is not my president

“I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge.”

Yeah, why waste a good collapsing building?

Who the Hell thought this was a good idea? Brett is an entitled brat who lied way before the allegations. Given all of his connections it's astounding that every move he's made has been wrong.

Can we add a few people?

Now playing

It’s been a while since I’ve watched Tennant reading Scottish tweets from when Cheetolini visited in 2016. evening plans just narrowed down to me, myself, that story, and half a bottle of Scotch.

I agree with the sentiment, but Mueller will never bring charges against Trump. He will produce a report that MAY become the basis for impeachment, at best. He has said that he will be bound by the DOJ position that a sitting president cannot be indicted.


A friend of mine found a poor dead bat trapped in the grill of her pickup truck. If that’s not a metaphor for America...

Sing like no one is listening. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching, and write like Don LaFontaine is recording the audiobook.

With any luck it’s some high tech robot bat that will spray dotard with some nerve agent and make his head explode like a cantaloupe, hopefully on camera.....

What manner of pretentious, pseudointellectual fuckery...

Bat at fat rat chat.

It’s much better if you think of it as “the song you play when the ship’s sinking...”

Bat 2020!

At least bat guano is useful for growing things.

It gets even worse!!

Ted Cruz just flew in.

Of course the sad part is, it’s hardly a parody (but I did laugh). 

He must have borrowed Mitt’s binders.