Gretchen Says this is not my president

his victim-blaming, and then trying to claim the victim mantle is really getting to me. this guy just really seems like an entitled turd. if the fbi had investigated him, this wouldn’t be happening in the public eye. so if his life is ruined, blame 45.

I feel like this needs to be mentioned in this conversation. His apparent gayness is not something to be ashamed of or that should be used to shame him. He may be ashamed, but should not be.

Christ, what a rapey, weepy asshole.

Meanwhile, Brett Kavanaugh saw that hissyfit and said “Hold my beer.”

Or Eric Schneiderman. Or John Edwards.

Or Al Franken. the very least. I would evens go so far as to say multiple goats at the same time.

But then you get this,

“He’s not Bill Cosby” is a pretty paltry defence. That would be like supporting Augusto Pinochet because he's not as bad as Hitler.

I absolutely fucking hate him. I don’t know what else to say at this point.

Fuck me if there isn’t just always a Trump tweet for every occasion.

He had the unmitigated gall to be nominated by the black guy.

Jesus, in that video he looks like a 5-year-old who said something suggestive by accident and isn’t sure why everyone is laughing but is so happy to have the attention...

wonders if the allegations of sexual assault should disqualify Kavanaugh from serving on the Supreme Court “even if it’s all true.”

But boy, it sure looks so expensive and pretty and fantastic sitting there on your counter doing nothing!

She’s NOT a staff person!  Not a staff person!  She’s the First Daughter!

I honestly think everyone would have gotten past it, but now he’s possibly (probably) lied under oath. If that comes out, then his career is sunk.

IX Commandment
Thou shall not bear false witness.

XI Thou shall not defend or repeat the false witness of a habitual lying moron.

This guy! This guy has a future in stand-up!

“Yeah, but look at all the women he DIDN’T murder.”