Gretchen Says this is not my president

If Justin Bieber stops being a Canadian citizen and becomes an American citizen, the average IQ of both countries will go up. can still become a citizen of the United States of America/get a green card with his kind of arrest/criminal record? BAD HOMBRE, DUDES.

ERIC TRUMP then dismisses WOODWARD book as “sensational nonsense” he wrote “to make 3 extra shekels.

I hate this administration. I hate this administration. I HATE THIS ADMINISTRATION. Honestly, NONE OF THEM is reliable, honest, or capable of putting the nation’s best interests at heart.

These people didn’t die in the actual storm. These people died because of lack of electricity, lack of food, lack of meds, lack of clean water. In other words, they died because of the response (or lack thereof).

I feel like half the shit Kanye done is to test just how far the cult of celebrity will go. But we already have Trump for POTUS so he should realize the limit does not exist.

jesus, there’s, like, at least 14 distinct different ways this is trash.

They’re setting up the expectation that future performers should also not expect to be compensated. And it’s just puzzling that they’d be happy to make a rich man richer off their names.

Yeah, no need to crank up the outrage machine for this.

I’m no doctor but I’m going to make a bold statement: I’m not sure that this diet has a healthy amount of calories in it. There. I said it. I know, that’s a controversial view.

What was Nike thinking?

“I know I am a better person than this

Just because they weren’t meant for the public, it doesn’t mean that she’s any less of an asshole.  Do the world a favor and crawl back under your rock.

I don't either. When I saw porn star body and urine on a plaque, I assumed it was about Trump's trip to Russia.

I’m so glad I’m not an idiot teenager in 2018. 

Dear Israel:

Yep. And, NO ONE SHOULD GO TO JAIL/PRISON for DEBT. Isn’t it counter-productive anyway? WtF America? Guess we really never did get rid of Debtor’s Prisons, we now just say, WARRANT and pretend it’s okay to jail folks for being poor. I don’t see how traffic tickets make you such a menace to society...that you need to

America is fabulously petty that way.

dont be.for any other kind of woman there wouldve been no article. you are only hearing about this because she is white & “attractive”

Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?