
What self-absorbed fucking douchebag voluntarily breaks multiple traffic laws, posts a video to the public domain demonstrating it, gets caught, and then flees to Canada, leaving his pregnant wife to fend for herself?

I am failing to find a single shred of sympathy for this wiener. He's an attention whore - and not

I'll bet she's now happy with her life choices.

To put it bluntly: This guy is a fucking idiot.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

Their Tiger Beat Piketty cover was my favorite.

Either have your spouse deal directly with her parents' behavior or just keep on being the last to leave - and don't try to hide what you're doing since you're not the one in the wrong. They'll either go on being deliberately obtuse or start doing better.

In my last year of university I worked at a sports bar, which was a lot of fun - great atmosphere, relaxed, easy job, decent money, and an AWESOME management team that I was very appreciative of (and vocal about my appreciation). I was told on my first day that we are not to tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour

Oh, this column brings back SO MANY memories... This happened at LEAST 10 years ago, but it's so clear in my mind... One of my worst experiences was an elderly couple who came in on a Friday at 4pm, exactly when my shift started. I set their check on their table around 4:45. Their bill came to exactly 20.07. A few

Yeah - horrible people hate admitting they're wrong. I had a classic one of these working retail when a woman accused the cashier of stealing her credit card. She insisted she had put it down on the counter and the cashier had taken it. The cashier said she had swiped a rewards card and given it back but hadn't seen a

Some of my many many many awful stories that come to mind ...

Delivering subs and having a frat boy try to grope me and his roommate not just stiff me but actually short me and when I said something he started pelting me with change...

Another time at a different job at a different non-mob pizza/sit down Italian place

Yesss! I learned that lesson in retail. Some people simply will not admit that they were/are wrong and that you, a simple shop girl, could possibly be right. No matter how patiently you explain, no matter who else backs you up, they can't be wrong! I love watching these people tie themselves in knots of ever more

Some of these are Now, I've seen the repeated con couple — a somewhat predictable restaurant trope, unfortunately — but this way of doing it is pretty sick. I've worked as a server off and on for many years and while I've had no shortage of rude, gross, or generally nightmarish tables, the real problems

I was once on a first date with a friend of a friend of a friend (too many degrees of separation to trust, it turned out!) and he took me to a neighborhood restaurant. He was handsome enough and seemed to be very bright, but perhaps he knew this all too well, because as the waiter - who could not have been older than

That's when a guy walks up with the missing forty dollars and tells the woman it was on the floor by their table. To which she says "bullshit" and storms out saying that I'm a fucking thief. Moral of the story is, don't give small children lots of cash.

I imagine that guy probably paid out of his own pocket to make the

I usually hate videos of kids, especially overly excited kids that think everyone gives a shit about the dumb things they are saying.
THAT SAID, this kid rules and this was funny as shit.
THAT SAID, if I had to spend a day with this kid instead of just watching a two minute video of his antics I would probably off

simple answer: they are either the venomous people ruining the cause, or the people united under the name letting said venom do more damage.

They can say whatever they want. Their actions, including the action of continuing to associate themselves with this, is why they and every one who supports them need to be exposed abs shamed for their actions.

Because Gamergate offers words when called to repudiate these things but takes action when a woman calls for it to end.

It also takes two minutes to understand that the originating event behind all of this was some jilted ex's sleazy gossip, but instead of saying "this is none of my business" and running away from it or (even better) directing their scorn at the party who aired his dirty laundry in public, a bunch of Internet

"all Muslims are terrorists"