
There's no modern carrier that's been built in 1.5 years. The only non-US nuclear carrier, France's De Gaulle, took 5 years between lay down and launch, and the conventionally-powered Queen Elizabeth was almost exactly 5 years between lay down and launch. The last 4 Nimitz carriers were each 3 years or less between

Why on earth do you believe anything the author said about Blythe? I read her comments about the book; they were genuine. She has reviewed plenty of books, rating an average of 3.5. This isn't someone who just gleefully sets out to destroy authors' careers. It's a reader with an opinion.

Head on over to Goodreads and check out the review in question. You may actually find yourself with some questions about Hales story. The more you look into it, the more it looks like Hale is a deeply disturbed person who did stalk some reviewer over pretty much imagined nonsense.

I glanced at the scene (excerpted in another review I can't seem to find right now) that I think the reviewer is talking about re the domestic abuse. The narrator and the victim's brother, who had PTSD, infiltrate some kind of group for domestic violence pretending that the brother hits her. The scene is handled

Yeah, okay, BLYTHE. (j/k)

Hmmm. I've actually read the book in question and I wouldn't say there is "no rape" in it. A character who is a minor has an affair with a much older man, and since the age of consent is 18 in Wisconsin (where the book takes place) there are in fact mentions of statutory rape in the book (which is real rape, and

In this future utopia, when someone runs red lights and drives 30-40 miles per hour faster than the bell curve, do they still get punished? Because this guy wasn't caught driving a little over the speed limit, or doing a top speed run in Death Valley or Montana, his own description is 99 MPH and running one red light

"We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody,

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

A lot of things are lost on libertarians. It's punk rock for baby boomers!

The project I'm working on is currently working on a grant for $3 mill from the NSF. My boss is a dyed in the wool libertarian who denounces all government spending and would like to see the government cut down to nothing. The irony, apparently, is totally lost on him.

Lost my sympathy with "premium passenger" as I am a base model passenger. Use your cajillion dollars and charter a flight, you big baby.

It's not the fact they're advertising for games, it's mainly the fact their viewers are unaware of the fact it's a paid advertisement due to the fact they generally hide this somewhere obscure.

His father invented Lasik.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use

Oh great, now we have to compete against the power of TWO Chinas?

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire country of China isn't a replica/fake/copy of another "China" found on a distant planet.