
God, this one makes me angrier than anything.

My manager/owner did this. Sure, the place went south and she skipped the country to evade taxes, but she was always in your corner, once you'd proven yourself. If a problem came up, she trusted you. Probably doesn't fly in Applebee's, though.

Not to be That Guy, but as an American (formerly of the service industry) who now lives in's unbelievable what constructing a system where you don't work for tips will do for everyone's sanity. (Also Americans are babies. Sorry.)

The first five pages of this (available on the Amazon preview) are so poorly written, the prose is so lazy, and the writer's persona so annoying, I'm having a tough time imagining that it gets better. Does it?

But, as other commenters have noticed, the content of the review does match the book, according to others. There *is* statutory rape, there *is* flippant treatment of PTSD and domestic abuse. The author is being disingenuous when she denies that the review is based in reality. She can argue that she doesn't think

Definitely not the darling of MFA culture, FWIW. Probably the opposite. (I have no love of MFA darlings, per se, but Lin's writing is pretty reviled in a lot of programs.) Agree in whole with your second graf.

"Achieve wisdom through inscrutability and a disaffected tone" is the Tao Lin Super System, pioneered by the master but adhered to by many in the alt lit community.