
Remember when “typos” were still called “bad at spelling”?

Not saying you’re wrong but I love the question “why did the bear attack the wold and not her?” Is that a question to the bear?
My guess would be that between an aggressive starved wolf and a woman that used the opportunity to turn around and go away the choice was easy.

Quite surprised you didn’t bleed from the anus as well...

Ah I see. Thanks for the explanation!

This... Doesn’t even have to be feminism, does it? I mean, the idea is to not hurt people’s self confidence by showing them extremely fit people. Might be a bit sheltered, but that’s not directly, or only, against women objectification. By that token they would also not show extremely fit men.

You know... Forcing the insertion of your penis inside a person who doesn’t want it, thereby scaring them for life actually IS monstrous. And I’m really not the PC easily offended type.

I mean, depends what’s your definition of monstrous I guess. Murder is also a human thing to do, by that I mean subjected to rage a

You tried, and yet you get a asshole star for calling this an incident.
Plus we actually do make the claim that this is what makes America: completely grotesque double standards.

What kind of insane cynicism does it take to tell people to “study” giving women orgasms. Just ask and listen, do you best, that’s about it.

Alright in order of importance, just to save myself from massive backlash:

Yeah I mean, even though I don’t read comics I had seen captain marvel while browsing the internet before, barely knew I thought it was a man.

I think I would rather say they are bad at product.
Google software is alright, good at places. Even when it’s bad (that’s my opinion for working on their code on the daily) it’s not worse than most things out there and it comes from trying to do too many things (and not just trying, but actually doing a million of

You seem indifferent to what the equal sign means.

I’m thinking, is it possible Quinn’s her middle name? They might just put it up on the movie posters for advertising.

In all fairness it sounds more like looking for a crappy lining...
“At least most people agree this was a terrible act” turns into “Isn’t it sad we have to be happy about most people not being horrible”?

With all respect to the great memories brought to us by the franchise, in 2016 I’m seeing 5 seconds of a space FPS and I’m insta-bored.

This kid sounds like Cartman’s youtube channel. The idea that it’s what other kids are enjoying is just sad.

Is that professional, really? Spoiler in the article title?

Kinda funny how the first comment is saying people are annoyed “over nothing”, yet the reaction to removing the pose is to get annoyed over... “Changing the game”, really? Changing a victory pose. I’m pretty happy qualifying that as “nothing”.

I get some of what you are saying about it not being a career, but there are definitely a ton of skills you need to know, master and perfect and you could definitely be mentored by someone for that.

Well damn, I don’t have a dirty enough mind any more... Seeing that it’s a fully clothed picture, seeing on the floor of washrooms I wouldn’t have thought of a wank joke...