
someone really loves her vegetables!

Don’t cut yourself on that edge.

That’s not Crazy Taxi

A simple statistic shows the disparity between “content creators” and other videos: views.

Of the top 70 most-viewed videos on Youtube, of all time, only 3 come from what we’d consider to be “content creators”, and of those 3, not a single one is from later than 2014.

The other 67? Music videos.

Simple fact is that as

There was a point to those teardowns. The enemy was not the individual titles so much as Steam’s curation/approval system. Those weren’t amateurs; they were asking for money, which was the whole point of battering them. He’d never have touched them if they were free.

Sweet. Any excuse to couch co-op is good enough for me.

I put Neverwhere and Stardust in the same category of Gaiman’s work, they’re more like fairytales than American Gods or Anansi Boys, or Sandman. They’re much more straightforward stories about young men who stumbles into a magical fantasy-world and has an adventure.

Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.

Not really, ACLU actually provides value.

I was never diagnosed with ADHD but I understand the frustration with anxiety and not being able to focus. The first step in coping for me has been limiting all distractions and decisions, write a list of ToDos and take care of the most pressing matters. Other than that, ignoring all other possibilities and just

Star this one if you say gif with a “g.”

The fact that Ragnaros, a giant molten creature with a massive warhammer, is classified as an Assassin boggles the mind.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

A foreign state is interfering in our free democratic elections. That’s the problem here, that you’re missing the entire point of this problem. Look we get it trump won. Now that we’ve established that fact can you get over yourselves (trump voters) to see this is a huge problem and damn near, arguably an act of

Clinton 65,844,954

Speaking of availability, I wonder where are most of these workers from, since all but Microsoft HQ’s are California-based, and Hispanic population is bigger there.

Uhhh... there’s also the rapid increase in use of trans-fats and HFCS in that time frame. For some reason, I feel that GMO tomatoes aren’t to blame :P

The issue with GMO shouldn’t be about whether or not they are bad for us. One example of a real issue with GMO seeds concerns Monsanto’s glyphosate-ready seeds. Glyphosate is a herbicide weed killer and glyphosate-ready seeds are seeds of crops such as wheat that are genetically modified so that the wheat is resistant

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

...Well that kinda defeats the point of the original video. XD