
Is this sponsored content?

Jesus fuck, this is sad.

This is your gentle reminder that you can easily be a millionaire and still an imbecile. Obviously even more so at 19.

Amazing. Someone please make a team of monsters now, perhaps with one Beastmaster.

I’ll be honest, it seems borderline irresponsible to not include Cuphead.

Before, it was because I had no idea about it. From now on, it will be from a knee-jerk reaction to the title of this article, and the absolutely awful looking picture illustrating the show.

Might be making this up, but I think Maro came up with the quote from Werebear. Not sure it applies to this card or another but there was another annecdote when he came up with something silly, and they just got back to it at the end when they figured it was better than everything else they had.

I had one in 2007 in Dublin, and back then the subscription was a year minimum, so I’m curious if that’s the case here, otherwise, it’s just best to take a month every time you go to the movies.

Mine too, no wonder he left.

Imagine how you’d feel if you didn’t even like his games o.O


It’s true, but smart people disregard serious people stuck on expletives.

Never having dinner with a woman without your wife being there is being faithful?

I... Promotion turns out way too successful, giving unprepared staff a hard time. Yeah that’s too bad. It’s funny how on one hand it sounds like they are unhappy they had to work so hard (honestly I understand, but that’s not an outrage either) and on the other they complain they didn’t have enough of the stuff. I

I totally understand the statement, and it IS a completely flawed way of looking at anything. You don’t lose on anything that could have been. There’s what you do and what you think would have happened if you did something else, but you didn’t :)

Yeah I’m sure America is so F’d right now because people get upset when they see others being dragged on the ground. Definitely not because Americans will justify absolutely anything and everything under the cover of corrupt regulations, contractual obligations or “laws of market”.

Ah yes, the good old dress code contractual obligation making kicking girls off a plan ok... You what’s funny, everybody heard the explanations. Lots still have it in their moral code to think this is preposterous though.

Too bad. Let’s see if she learns anything from the events.

Love the authority with which you just claim that streaming hurts the sales.

4 sets and 4 supplemental products a year, to sell more cards of course!