
See the thing is, for us reading this and I’m sure for Sterling as well: those people could get some sort of sympathy for just being makers of bad games that are struggling to make anything better, even if they used somewhat shady methods. We could just move on.

Nothing much to say about this huge mess, other than I’m somewhat scared by the level of aggressive stupidity brought to us thanks to gregarious behaviour fueled by social media.

Inane observations on somebody’s comment aimed at compassion and empathy though, worse than not helpful.

Yeah thank you, definitely know that you guys make us a lot happier for what you do. Hopefully you also still find opportunities to enjoy your art.

I guess I could see that. Then again, for this one like other animations, all I do is wait for the action, tbh...

Of all the things, RWBY is definitely not poorly animated.

That’s very interesting because I think we’re pretty easily at twice those ratios and more at Amazon in Cali. Wonder if that’s a wrong impression, a coincidence or something else.

So I’m trying to think of a way to make an ultimate tank, and so far as I have ChoGall+Abathur+StimPak. Is there another buff I’m not thinking about? Something cooler than just heal I guess.

Well if you check that the items seem “valid” you could only hack so far as getting all items in the game, which sounds less bad. Plus it’s not like pvp is thriving, so I’m not sure that’s such a problem...

League of Legends isn’t a game millions of people are happy logging hundreds of hour single player though.

Or if you travel, or if the servers are down, or if you idle for a few minutes, or...

So someone was waiting for him to unlock his phone, recorded it then broadcasted? Sounds fishy.

Neat, thanks. Tap is still hilarious with the upgrade against bad teams, but that has been stated already :)

Isn’t the strike about as easy to dodge though?

God did I always hate Paranormal Activities. 2h full of cupboards opening and doors closing on their own, listening to tapes of unexplained whispers then a creepy face and someone getting dragged into a closet before the end credits.

The thing with variance, it’s that in the end it favors everybody just about the same...

Obviously, all my congratulations for just about everything looking amazing about that game. Kinda makes me sad that the title isn’t better, to me it’s a notch down from the overall quality of this whole package.

This looks amazing, though I must say I’m a little bummed it looks like it’s not departing from looking exactly like SotC... Hope it does at some stage, for diversity’s sake.

Modern references in Star Wars, on the other hand, sound horrible.

You’re not saying anything wrong, just stating the obvious and using a faulty logic. Women can do anything. Cool.