
Maybe not feeling untitled like this towards insanely popular free services would help too. There's always a part of bad work from the companies making those product, but don't underestimate the public's part in wanting something new and bigger and faster all the time with no regard for how it has to be done.

Meh, I'm sure there's people pirating shit tons and even making profit out of it, but there's no way I feel bad about my case. My case is I bought shit tons of material in my life, and the material that's too expensive I pirate. I'm sorry it makes people mad I didn't pay for their stuff, but I really wouldn't have.

Ah. So you really need to be explained why a world with all OS made of "stores" only is dangerous.

That's one way of looking at it, that I might relate to "ends justify the means". As far as I'm concerned, treating employees like tools is inherent to these money machines, so if you want them to live longer, you can come express how sorry you are when they can people, I'll just say it was bound to happen.

Fun to see how everybody will give you the teary "but people will lose their jobs" comment. As if losing money was the only reason those company ever fire people. People get fired, might as well being in the collapse of money greedy firms that don't treat their employees right in the first place.

Or! A gameboy that can store hot coffee.

Well sorry for the strong reaction, but seeking for help doesn't mean being inactive and being active doesn't mean train and kick the shit out the aggressor. This is a civilized society, like many people pointed it out, being meaner and stronger is not the way we're supposed to solve the issues...

Who exactly cares for your opinion about bullying? Especially when your opinion is "duh fight back" you're very much unneeded. You are basically just adding another layer of arrogant bullying on top.

"Having been on anti-depressant since I was 11"... Don't do that, please.

Best way: learn by heart. Really. It's only 12 of them, they come in order so if you remember one you can always deduct others, and it should come naturally very quickly.

Well except the person who asked will take it for a confession, and you could imagine somebody who asked you to conceal a secret would probably hope for more cover than "none of my business"...

Stops being that simple if somebody tells you something; then you have to decide between lying and telling the truth, whatever your choice will be.

16-17yo isn't mature enough but 18yo is? You'll reckon there's probably 16yo mature and 25 imature. Heck, there's fragile, insecure and/or immature 35yo too!

Little bit surprised, coming from a dude who mentions Magic the Gathering, that the game (meh) title is "Path of Exile", compared to the famous card "Path to Exile".

No YOU shut up. Oh gizmodo trollnalism.

Definitely! Thought I'd love to see a little more dreamy than trippy. Like, less super vivid and detailed crazyness everywhere, and more blurred, incomplete, incoherent and changing stuff, as you'd see in the Sandman comics, the movie Paprika (check it out if you don't know it). I feel like Max Payne 1 did it quite

Phoney-typography-wise, GLaDOS is ok, but InSane ugh...

So a spawner, once destroyed, turns out to be a simple door. That's weird.

And the same blog will lament about how it's hard for women to be more respected.