
I'd say you're right AND/BUT also there's just a huge amount of haters online, nothing new here.

Jeezus just get your hate out, guys, and be done with it.

Hum I believe this "Omerta" is in reaction of civilization "growing" in a fucked up way, in which power calls for power, and creates imbalance and exploit.

So... You're pretty much literally advising a hundred play time overall. Guess that answers that "are games worth your time" question^^

Not sure about the US but people don't lose their job over that kind of stuff in France, hopefully they'll keep it that way for a while longer.

What an elaborate opinion.

Yeaaaaah well. The answer probably comes along to your appreciation of the game. I sure won't say no long game is worth the many hours, but I can think some didn't deserve to be so long.

"I will never understand people getting tattoos, I think they look gross. It's your body, you'll get tired of it and it will look stupid and washed out when you get old."

Like, totally.

Ah so many breaks to be given... Losely based on some religious story about God asking somebody to kill his son... If you ask me the real premice/inspiration was fucked up enough.

Hum it's also became way to easy to slam on Sonic.

Scaring the public, that sounds a bit in contradiction with them officials, and every second person saying Anon is a bunch of attention seeking brats (merely repeating, I don't particularly endorse).

Only looking forward to Borderland 2 and Max Payne 3. Both because the previous ones were great fun, and not completely sure I'm optimistic about the new ones.

Ah I was just saying you might be right thinking if your routine is more regular there is more change you won't get away from it, whereas doing it twice a week, it's easy/almost the same to end up doing it once a week, skip a week, skip two, stop doing it.


An almost-every-day routine might be harder to get away from, alright...

Sounds a tiny bit disdainful, people not spending half their week at the gym aren't all slobs. Pretty sure I don't care for being 1h in a gym 4 times a week, and yet pretty sure I'm capable of taking 20mn twice a week without it killing me.

Oh so a little dumb girl made jokes about letting a pop star beat her and gets verbally abused on the Internet; that's quite shocking, isn't it.

I chose to see it as an unestablished kind of power. There is plenty established forms of power already, and I don't Anonymous is anywhere close making as much damage as them (on the flip side, even if they are acting "wrongly" sometimes, those other forces did a lot of good as well, again, more than Anonymous).

Heh like I said before, keep saying you don't like it. I think it's been made clear enough the game is fantastic to many people. There is no "overrated", we just like it better than you guys.