Yes, I’m sure it would - He’d get mad, throw a hissy fit, and then run out of the room to his limousine, so he could go home and cry
Yes, I’m sure it would - He’d get mad, throw a hissy fit, and then run out of the room to his limousine, so he could go home and cry
‘Look, Doc, she don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bike, she don’t play no sports,”
How about we eat fish that aren’t endangered instead?
So, instead of fighting the want to bully older workers out of the workforce?
Great strategy!
The Koch Brothers and George Soros thank you!
Here’s the deal - WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE OLD SOMEDAY (if we’re lucky)
Someday, you’ll be the older worker being discriminated against, pal.
Fight billionaires, not “boomers”
Here’s the thing - who is to blame for the fact that there aren’t enough jobs to go around?
Are retired workers REALLY responsible for that?
Do they have that kind of control over the labor market?
Or....maybe it’s the people who call themselves ‘THE JOB CREATORS’?
That is....the capitalists.
I agree with you that there…
Give it a shot
I know a NYCERS pension doesn’t go far, so the extra money will help
That said, age discrimination is rampant in the restaurant trades (especially when it comes to women) so it might not be easy finding a job
Good luck and godspeed!
The vile bias at older workers here is nauseating
Also ironic...cause we’re all going to be old someday (if we’re lucky)
Counterpoint - ever tried to live on a New York City Employees Retirement System pension?
They don’t pay that much - lots of City retirees have to stay in the workforce just to pay rent.
Instead of bitching at your fellow workers, why not be mad at the bosses who have kept wages low for the past 50 years?
Yes, let’s have a generational war between workers who were born in different decades!
That will be really productive (for the billionaires who are our common enemies)
Better to be an atheist who lives a long and healthy life before going into the abyss than to die young and then find out the hard way that the afterlife is a myth.
If you don’t fear death, you’re a fool
We only have one life - best to make it as long and healthy as possible
When this life is over, there’s nothing but eternal darkness - there is no afterlife, there is no nothing - you are just NOT.
So....why the hell would you want to waste the short life you have and rush to…
Being self destructive is the opposite of “enjoying your life”
I know - I had a brother like that. A brilliant guy, a talented artist who died before he had a chance to actually blossom as an artist and share his works with the world because he overeat, overdrank and did way too much drugs - he also neglected his…
I’ve read many books and actually wrote two of them.
I’m also an atheist - we have this life....and then NOTHING
There is no “asgaard” (or ass guard), no heaven; you won’t get 72 virgins in paradise if you blow yourself up for your mythical sky god. When your heart stops beating and there is no detectable brain…
No, because he has this bizarre idea that premature death is masculine and living a long time is homosexual (which, apparently, he thinks is a BAD thing)
Toxic macho is a hell of a drug
So..... dying young is manly, and living a long time is gay?
Well.....I’ll be celebrating my 100th birthday at the gay pride parade, while you’re buried in the cemetery.
You won’t be needing a hall of ass guards (when you die, the embalmer stuffs your rectum with cotton)
Toxic macho at it’s finest!
Safe and boring ARE GOOD THINGS
So is living a very long time
I’m a former union carpenter and current City of New York employee - when I finally retire in a few years I want to collect both of those pensions, and Social Security, for a really long time
Now, if you want to choke to death on some filthy bar floor at 35,…
Memorial Day commemorates the soldiers who died in American wars - it was created after the Civil War.
Veterans Day commemorates living ex servicepeople
Armed Forces Day celebrates active duty servicepeople
That’s actually not how Veteran’s Day is observed
I feel sorry for you
Isn’t gluttony one of the Seven Deadly Sins?