
Maybe it’s the Marxist Leninist in me, but I kind of bristle at hearing about “our allies”

I’m sure the American capitalist class, or at least a section of it, sees an ethnic separatist militia in a foreign country as their ally.... but I really don’t see what stake the American working class has in this war.

Syria has

Perhaps the writer is a furry?

So...liberals SUPPORT American military intervention in Syria?


Card carrying communist actually, and an Old who was an opponent of Trump back when he was a little known New York slumlord and you were in diapers, son

Opposing corporate Democrats doesn’t automatically mean Republican you know (some of us go beyond CSNBC’s narrow Overton Window)

You keep using that word

It doesn’t mean what you think it means

I concur - they’re all the worst people

It’s survivalist porn..... but it also shows why survivalists would cause much havoc and destruction in an actual disaster.

Every successful survivor community they encountered they succeeded in destroying - they’re definitely the villains 

I’m a Black man who lives in Harlem, not far from 125th St - I see hoteps all the time and I’m quite aware of the definition.

For those unfamiliar, hoteps are extremist Black cultural nationalists who are obsessed with the history of what they call “Kemet” (that’s Ancient Egypt to the rest of us)

Apparently you don’t

Marxist Leninist, actually

I’m literally as far from a Hotep as a human being can be

Your comment is hilariously silly

It’s Sunday night - turn off your computer and go watch Football, or the Walking Dead 

This sounds really wack and lame 

Yes, the people on the main show are absolute idiots.

They’re also the villians of the show, if you think about it

Special needs television?

That show sounds aggressively stupid

“ we sick?”

That’s some house slave level Uncle Tomming up there 

Counterpoint - people died so that Black people could serve on juries.

Having Black jurors is a major safeguard against abuse of judicial authority against African American defendants.

He should  have set his alarm clock earlier 

Card carrying communist, actually.

There are more things in heaven and Earth than are drempt of in your philosopy, friendo. The political spectrum is a whole lot  wider than the CNN approved Overton Window 

That bullshit worked really well in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio in 2016... so why not try it again?

Look, bullying and lecturing isn’t going to bring Blacks, Latinos and working class Whites to the polls for whatever mediocre corporate tool Democrat that the DLC and the superdelegates try and foist on us.

I know one

Black man and unionized civil servant here

The Supreme Court has ALWAYS been reactionary (as the Founding Fathers intended it to be) - the few exceptions to that were when the Supreme Court was under extraordinary pressure from mass movements in the street.

So, the difference between a Democratic corporate lawyer and a

No thanks.

I’m not going to vote for Warren or any other center right Democrat 

There’s a big difference

Sanders is a social democrat

Warren is an ex Republican center right Democrat

If Sanders isn’t in the race, I might vote for Tulsi Gabbard

I’m not going to vote for Warren, or any other corporate Democrat

I’m sure lots of other Sanders supporters agree with me on this 

San Francisco’s extortionate landlords drove the restaraunts into trucks
