That’s such a spectacularly incorrect hot take that you’d almost expect to hear it on Fox News
That’s such a spectacularly incorrect hot take that you’d almost expect to hear it on Fox News
Except not really
Half the country are renters - to them, the whole property values question is moot
Not all of us want to be rich (some of us see them - correctly - as parasites who exist of the labor of the workers, and society would be better off with their wealth and investment property confiscated and put under…
That’s the YIMBY theory and it’s bullshit
San Francisco’s housing crisis can’t be solved by building, because, thanks to artificially high land prices due to gentrification, the only thing that will be built is more housing for the rich.
San Francisco (and New York, for that matter) need more public housing, owned and…
Rent is high because of extortionate landlords and city governments that let them charge extortionately high rents
It sounds like that city badly needs commercial rent control (not to mention residential rent control)
Fifty one year old American man here....and yes I tuck in my t shirts
You get a telegram from the AARP exactly 90 days after your 45th birthday with the specific t shirt tucking instructions. They also inform you about getting the early bird special, and keeping the kids off your lawn.
It says a lot about the times we live in that a professional writer’s daughter would tell him that her and her friends “don’t read”
So they literally want to make Sports Illustrated into a pyramid scheme?
There are jurisdictions that prohibit smoking anywhere in a restaurant, even in the patio or sidewalk cafe portion of the establishment.
That renders your argument moot
You’re misinterpreting the statutes in question
If the patio is part of the restaurant, and that jurisdiction prohibits smoking in restaurants, said law also prohibits smoking on the patio. The fact that it’s outside is immaterial
For the same reason the law regulates lots of unhealthy activities
Dear Salty,
If I’m out with friends and we aren’t drinking alcohol I’m drinking water, coca cola or iced tea. I only like cocktails with liquor in them - what’s the point of a cocktail if you can’t get drunk off of it?
If I’m with non drinking friends we’re not going to a bar - again, what’s the point?
Knowing an employer discriminated against you and actually proving it in court are two very different things, as I’m sure you well know
So Nosebag is a drug reference - the opposite of sobriety
I didn’t say those attacks were OK
I just said, were those attacks carried out in the continental United States?
You and I both know that they were not.
Iran has never attacked the mainland of America
America has attacked the mainland of Iran, and even overthrown the lawfully elected prime minister of that country
Has Iran attacked the continental US?
The British and the Soviets deposed his father, to be precise.
His dad was leaning towards Germany, and the Allies needed a pro Allied government in Iran to route Lend Lease supplies to the USSR
What’s the point of cocktails that don’t have alcohol in them?
Except I’ve never met a bartender who doesn’t drink, or a drug dealer who doesn’t get high
“Don’t get high off your own supply” is aspirational, not a reality