
Good luck and godspeed!

You still have a 97% chance of losing - you’d literally be better off playing Lotto (and the odds in the lottery suck)

That makes sense - a feedbag you put over the nose of an animal

Salty’s use of the word doesn’t make sense at all - calling a non drinker in a bar a “nosebag”?

Never heard that term used in that context in my life

Neither have I

New York 

I think you’re really underestimating how difficult it is to win a discimination lawsuit against an employer 

Like many labor law violations, that’s really hard to prove in court

Didn’t they tell you about People Places and Things in The Rooms?

Working in a bar is really not a good idea for a sober person.... unless you want to have a relapse

Also... “Nosebag”?

Does that word even exist outside of this column?

Fuck Al Franken, and all his apologists

I guess if you set the bar low enough.... and that’s setting it pretty damned low!

All very valid questions

I’d be inclined to have a balance between making sure that every Equatorial Guinean had enough to afford a home and the basic modern conveniences and leaving enough left over to spend on public programs (education, health care, economic development etc) got traded to the Homestead Greys?

How does it feel to play against Satchel Page?

So, he’s a slightly less worse parasitic scumbag kleptocrat, basically?

Pretty much

Oil companies like dictatorships in the Third World countries who’s resources they buy and sell - just look at the Middle East 

You never know

I’m sure most of the 1.2 million Equatorial Guineans who live under/are plundered by these jackasses would like to see it happen

They’ve had 12 attempts to overthrow them since they seized power in 79 …. perhaps the 13th time is the charm?

Him and his dad - they both belong in prison, with all their wealth confiscated and redistributed among the people of that country

What’s really funny about this is the same Hollywood establishment that created Trump as a national figure (and reinvented a wealthy New York liberal Democrat as a right wing populist Republican) is still raging about how he won the election.

You guys pulled this guy out of the back of the pack of Republican

So...who is this asshole?

Meanwhile.... the average worker in Equatorial Guinea only makes $234 a month, and 20% of the nation’s kids die before age 5 (in one of the most oil rich countries in Africa) 

I dunno... at least here in NYC even one murder in an establishment that has a liquor license can lead to the City shutting the place down - hell, a bar I used to drink at got shut down because of a New Years Eve barfight (nobody even died).

So I think that Alcoholic Synonymous is a bullshit artist