
So...they pick up on the fact that you’re hitting on them, and they shut you down using the most effective way for a woman to communicate to a man that he’s not interested - saying that they’re married.?

I don’t see the problem - you’re trolling for a date, they aren’t interested, they pick up on the fact that just a

I can see why you named your kinja account after a serial woman beater - you seem very motivated about defending predatory misogynist males.

That’s bizarre and sad

Enjoy your Sunday afternoon, Floyd

Have you lived in the world for more than a day?

If you have, you’d have some idea how gender, patriarchy and misogyny work in our society  - and in that context, this situation shakes out pretty much as a described it - creepy older man sexually harassing young woman worker who, because of her job, has no choice but’ve been sexually assaulted.....and you’re here defending sexually predatory men?

I’m not a therapist, so I’m really not qualified to help you with that.

On the question, there are SOME bars where the gimmick is that the bartenders pantomime a faux rudeness to the customers.... but as you know far better than

Excellent transation 

It seems obvious to me that this guy is interested sexually in that bartender, and is using her doing her job and being nice to him as a pretext for his unwanted interest

“Social awkwardness” is often used as a pretext for that kind of creepiness - it may be an explanation, it sure as hell isn’t an excuse

The worst one, I believe 

Mr Muniz..... you DO know that there are women who will do those things to you... for a (not modest) fee, right?

Personal question - ever been sexually assaulted?

One out of every three women has.

Usually, the assailant was a man they knew

That’s why women have to have their guard up.

Now, you appear to be taking this story a bit personally - for reasons that I do not know.

However, this story isn’t about you and your (possibly

Writing a note to a bartender is creepy and weird - it’s sexualizing a commercial interaction.

Also it’s safe to assume from what we know about the world that the OP is a guy, probably older and unattractive, and the bartender is a woman, who’s young and pretty.

From what we also know about the world, women get

If you’re in New York, make that “fiver” a 20 dollar bill. 

She’s telling it like it is

The OP is a creepy loser obsessed with a woman who’s only being nice to him BECAUSE IT’S HER JOB TO DO SO

Men like him make women service workers lives miserable 

The last few years didn’t make me a pessimist

Being Black in America for the last 51 years did - Trump really didn’t change that for me one way or the other

On this question, it’s pretty obvious - older man with emotional health issues goes to a bar, friendly bartender (who also happens to be a conventionally

She’s paid to be friendly and have a sympathetic ear

Don’t make it weird for her by writing her a love note

Just keep coming to the bar and keep the tips coming

You seem to be missing my point

That wildcat teachers/school district employees strike in West Virginia WAS THE PRODUCT OF ORGANIZATION

Teachers and school district employees built an alternative leadership, and that leadership led the wildcat strike

Workers aren’t going to turn their back on their leaders, no matter how

Lacking an alternative leadership, the workers are forced to rely on the leaders they have.

That’s Organizing 101 - absent a viable alternative, workers will accept the status quo, no matter how terrible it is

Workers know that being non union means low pay, minimal to nonexistent benefits and your employment being at

It sounds  like you’ve fallen for a bunch of chamber of commerce propaganda about unions

All it really takes to start a new union is money.

The only time I ever tailgated (Jets at Patriots, 2011) it was me, three friends, a barbecue grill and some burgers, franks and beer

Awesome day

What this guy is doing is.... over the top

Fun fact - Poland was never part of the USSR