
If it’s a pizza shop and it doesn’t do by the slice....they’re doing New York style pizza wrong

He’s going to be mad when he finds out they don’t have any Grey Poupon 

Roundabouts suck!

In the grand scheme of things, where 100 big corporations produce 71% of the pollution, do drive throughs even matter?

Unless the point of the exercise is virtue signaling, of course....

It was probably more of a case of the warden seeing that it wasn’t in the budget to keep having an officer watching this guy on overtime, so they just sent Epstein back to his regular cell.

Well, Staten Island has been one of the five boroughs of New York City since 1898, and a whole lot of NYC city employees live there.

Dafuq did I just read?

Then I guess we’re not going to find aliens then

This action will just inconvenience New Yorkers, most of whom already share the same viewpoint

Well, those 98% of observers are wrong

Chapo Guzman is a career criminal who’s spent much of his life in prison - he’s also a drug trafficker with a history of making deals with the justice system to make his life in prison more bearable.

In their core market - New York City - they displaced indigenous long established taxi systems (mainly owner operated, with most of the worker-owners being minority immigrants) - they also flooded our streets with traffic, even worse than the congestion we already had

“Parasites” is an accurate term 

I spent a lot of my younger years around organized Marxism in this country (such as it is) - Communist Party USA (yes, I was a literal “card carrying communist”), Progressive Labor Party, a tiny sect called the League for the Revolutionary Party, and even Bob Avakian’s infamous Revolutionary Communist Party

Got my

You’re quite welcome - and it’s nice to have a civilized “agree to disagree” on the internet (that’s so rare these days)

If you have to have a citation from one of the middle class-led sects, I refer you to the Militant Tendency in Great Britain - they had the good sense to do political work among all public employees, including workers in uniform.

They were correct in that decision, and the rest of the left should have good sense and

No, that’s not an arrogant, judgmental and elitist statement At All!

That whole “class traitors” thing is melodramatic, and dogmatic as hell.

If you want to quote the dogma in full (and I know it by heart - I’ve been a Marxist Leninist since I was 13)

It’s that the entire police department, from the cop on the beat to the chief of department, are all diehard loyalists to the capitalist

To me, I associate bringing home leftovers with my parents, both of whom spent part of their childhood during the Great Depression - my dad was born in 1924, my mom in 1936.

They literally SAVED TEABAGS!

I grew up broke, and I associate bringing home leftover food with poverty

Being poor really sucks - in an ideal

That’s bullshit.

If you brought something, and you don’t want it, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with throwing it away. That includes food.

What kind of Calvinist moralistic weirdness were you taught? 

If I want more of that food, I’ll go back to that restaurant.

Also...and I’ve learned this in the process of trying to combat a lifelong obesity problem, there is no “wasting” food. I had to learn that to eat til I was full and then STOP - even if that meant I had to throw away all the food left on the plate, and to

Except not really