
“Class traitors”?

Yes, because it’s “treason” to the working class to arrest drunk drivers and pedophiles!

That’s really silly, comrade, and not very dialectical.

Why would you want to live like that tho, unless you’re so broke that you pretty much HAVE to?

No shame in that - this is 21st century America, the home of deunionized neoliberalism, the glorious “gig economy” - but if you have a job where you don’t have to penny pinch and scrounge, and drag home leftovers - why the

I actually grew up poor, and worked my way up to middle income working class status over a quarter of a century as a union carpenter.

I know what government cheese tastes like (and government canned beef, and pretty much every other commodity food the USDA makes in those plain white wrappers) - the first time I ever

Sometimes, everyone is wrong

Tell that to the warden of MCC

Nice attempt to shoehorn reality into your preconcieved political ideas

Yeah, those greedy overpaid unionized public employees with their budget busting pensions!

In the real world, federal corrections officers retire at 62 with 50% of their salary 

El Chapo wasn’t suicidal - he’s very motivated to stay alive

This guy wasn’t 

Because it costs money, and requires a CO be detailed away from their regular detail just to watch one guy

That’s why in general suicidal inmates are neglected in prison - caring for them just costs too much money and that’s not in the budget 

And I see the conspiracy theorists are already here....

Except not really.

Restaurant owners serve huge portions for their own commercial reasons - the customers don’t force them to, because the customers don’t own the business - the business owners make that decision entirely on their own

Most people would prefer human sized portions - just enough for one meal - and if it

Standing up to abusive bosses is literally what labor unions do - and unions are something that the restaurant industry badly needs

If he grew livestock or grain, he probably got a whole lot of corporate welfare 

Not in America they aren’t 

Unlicensed junkyard operator

Or.....lots of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (like this guy probably had) have a hard time forming relationships

He died alone, surrounded by junked cars

So.....he was a hoarder

Got  it

I would assume the majority of  Equinox members in big cities are Democrats - and a lot of them are gay. 

Good Lord this is a silly article

I never had  Firehouse - we don’t have them in NYC I think