
Jewell is scum and a traitor to the labor movement for taking bribes from the employers in return for selling out his members...however, it’s funny how none of the FCA executives paying the bribes will be doing time.

I thought we had equal justice in this country?

Yeah, that’s the problem - most of the  Blimpie’s have been shutting down - including the last Blimpie’s here in Harlem 

Blimpie’s makes a better sandwich

treating online white-nationalist radicals exactly the way we treat online jihadist sympathizers

Thank you for the detailed explanation!

Except the law doesn’t work like that, son.

Tell the judge “BUT, THE GUY NEXT DOOR HAD THE SAME VIOLATION AND HE DIDN’T GET A SUMMONS” and see what happens. (you will lose the case)

Can you beat a speeding ticket because there were other motorists speeding?

(hint - NO)

Can you beat a summons for public urination because


If you don’t use it, sell it or throw it out #MarieKondo 

I’m in my 50s - the memories of loved ones past are a whole hell of lot more valuable than a bunch of junk I don’t use cluttering up my apartment.

I concur with random guy

If you don’t need it - toss it

Put it in the dumpster when she dies?

Pro tip - the fact that other people have violating conditions on their properties is NOT a valid defense for you having a violating condition on yours

Time to repeal the Second Amendment

That is all

If by “policing jokes” you mean regulating hate speech - I’m good with that

It’s the only way to be sure

Don’t use Alexa 

I concur

That price is too high to pay - and “freedom of speech” is overrated, as is “the open internet”

Those laws should be changed...

That site is a breeding ground and should be treated the same way an al-Qaeda or ISIS website should - banned and it’s owners detained indefinitely 

There’s about 2 million American prisoners who would violently disagree with you about that, friend.

And being in a situation where you need to fight a lot or be beaten is pretty much exclusive to prison, actually.

“Prison isn’t that bad?

You must not know anybody that ever did time!

A guy I worked with many years ago, who did a 120 months bid at Leavenworth for possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute (cocaine) once told me that “prison is a very boring place if you know how to fight, and a very scary place