


Speaking as a guy who’s been a union member for the last 34 years, unions aren’t nearly democratic enough.

Lewis was pushed to organize by the many many dissident miners - like the Progressive Mine Workers of America, who split away from the UMWA in Illinois, and the National Miners Union, a communist led

And we shouldn’t be - he’s a scabby son of a bitch

Take the money saved on insurance and put it in the pension and annuity

Why not have both more councilors and more security?

Those non union workers should get unionized so they can be paid at the same rate 

I seriously doubt they have better benefits than I do - between the building trades and the City, I’ve always had Cadillac coverage

A portion of our hourly compensation goes to cover our health insurance - that’s money that would otherwise be “in the envelope”

So, if that money that goes to feed the insurance beast gets paid to us.... but then we have to pay it in taxes, to get a better and fairer health insurance system.... that works for me, and

I’m a member of a trade union

I’ve actually been a member of several - roughly in chronlogical order;

United Food and Commerical Workers International Union

International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

American Federation of

It’s lovely when your doctor (a world leader in his field) ordered a surgical procedure, but the damned insurance company demands another (very invasive) medical test before they agree to pay for it.

I’m 51, I’ve worked various union jobs since I was 17 so I’ve almost always had union health insurance - including 24 years covered by the NYC District Council of Carpenters Welfare Fund and the last 3 years covered by the City of New York’s employee health coverage

I’d happily give that up to be covered by a

He is to blame and he should be punished 

A possible solution is don't abandon your kid in your car 

The parent is 100% responsible

The fact is, America has been engaged in racist treatment of immigrants - including detention - since 1881.

What Trump is doing is really no different than what Obama did (except Obama managed to deport a whole lot more people than this idiot has, because he wasn’t such a publicity hound about it)

I was a political opponent of Trump when you were in diapers, kid. 

If you think the ICE detention centers are anything like Dachau, let alone Treblinka..... you need to do a bit more reading on the history of genocide in mid 20th century Europe, and a lot more reading on the history of American detention of Latino immigrants.

Those camps on the border are consistent with the usual way

I have

I am not impressed

He wants to gut the social safety net with his “basic income” program, and I cannot support him because of that alone

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Because, underneath all the overheated rhetoric that some people are falling for, the federal immigration authorities are still doing the same thing that they’ve always done to immigrants from Third World countries.

Despite the overblown rhetoric, there’s nothing different about what’s going on in the detention