
Son, why exactly would the American capitalist class need to impose fascism?

I should preface that by explaining that I’m using the classic Marxist Leninist definition of fascism. Here’s a short summary of that, from Leon Trotsky:’re claiming that Trump is illiterate?

Considering the fact that the man is a college graduate, and he writes his own twitter posts and many of his own public statements, that’s plainly not factual.

Why not criticize Trump for things that he’s actually done that are wrong?

That’s a total misread of the political era we’re in

Germany in 1937 was a country that had experienced massive defeat in a world war, the fall of it’s monarchy at the hands of a bourgeois democratic revolution, the loss of it’s colonial empire and 20% of it’s European territory, a failed communist revolution by it’s

Yes, I can.

America has been detaining immigrants of color since 1881 (google “Angel Island” and “Chinese Exclusion Act”)

This isn’t mid 20th century Germany - despite all the facile “ICE GESTAPO!” memes you see on your Facebook feed

The fact that you think that immigrant detention is something new, rather than being

It’s hilarious that you think I’m a Trump supporter.

I find it amusing that so many Americans have this really narrow binary - you’re either a Democrat, or a Republican; if you don’t support one of those parties, you MUST support the other.....because that is the entire range of the political spectrum.

It’s sad that you

Let’s be honest - America has been detaning immigrants for a long time, and is this current wave of detentions really that far out of sync with the usual way immigration detention is carried out?

If they were actually carrying out mass executions?

Of course I would

It’s been time to leave the Democratic Party for quite some time

Do you REALLY think that’s going to happen?


I had a friend who had the same issue - did 6 years for cocaine possession with intent to sell, and when he came home he literally couldn’t get a job as a stock clerk at a newsstand at Kennedy Airport because of that conviction.

I’m all for criminals doing time for their crimes...but once they’ve done their bid, they

Well, objectively, Obama’s policies on deportations were anti immigrant.

A whole lot of immigrants got deported over DUI arrests, or petty thefts, or a few grams of marijuana....crimes that would have gotten a native born person a fine or probation.

Nobody’s going to banish Epstein from the country - even if he gets life + X years, he’s going to do his time in America

Why shouldn't immigrant felons get the same deal - do the crime, do your time, and then get paroled back to their communities in this country?

Son....I’m African American

So...why exactly would I want to fuck myself over?

Also, since many of my Black fellow New Yorkers are immigrants.... your pro deportation policies could lead to lots of them getting deported, which I’m pretty sure would fuck them over.

Of course, many Latinos are immigrants, so supporting’re trying to win by....being more racist than the Republicans?

The George Wallace Strategy!

Good luck with that

Glad I’m not a Democrat, or a Republican

Why mend old clothes when y0u can buy new ones?

Except not really.

That’s what I was about to say!

If they really like art or music that much, they’ll find a way - even if it means performing after work or on weekends. 

Nope....that’s Sal Mineo

Why are all these assholes pretending to run for president?

Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg, Harris, Booker, Gabbard and Robert O’Rourke have a realistic shot

Everybody else should just go home