
In other words...... the tests are bullshit and ignore the physiology of the majority of motorists 

Sounds like those tests suck

All very good points

She said that she can’t reach the pedals

That’s kind of a big deal when it comes to driving

Sitting further away from the steering wheel will make that problem worse

Sounds like a design failure on the part of the manufacturer

No, it’s a long winded apologia for institutionalized sexism



It is about money - and sexism

Quit being an apologist for the shitty men who run your industry

The auto industry have lobbyists and spend a LOT of money on campaign contributions

If they wanted to change the regulations, they could get them changed

Don’t blame the regulators for your industry’s failures

Also, 53% of the population is a pretty broad range of people to not give a shit about

The manufacturers should do something about this defect - after all, they designed the damned car

It’s not a’s just not something that I ever do

They don’t let you order pizza by the slice?

You are right, portion sizes are ridiculous in this country 

I don’t take leftovers from restaurants - so if it’s too much to eat in one sitting..... then I leave it behind

I have ordered takeout that I intended to last for more than one meal, but never a sitdown meal.

Fish with scales and fins.... not shellfish

Cause, you know, he was a Rabbi and all, and shellfish are treif…..

So.... critiquing an archaic sexist custom makes you misogynist now?

On a totally unrelated topic, when my dad was a Marine, he had a sergeant who insisted on calling him “Smedley Butler” at every roll call

However, when you’re referring to activities done mainly by members of one gender. For example, an article about public urination shouldn’t say people, it should say men, because that’s the majority of people who engage in that conduct

I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t eat pork.

Or shellfish.

But I’m sure my guy could tear up a brisket or some pastrami. 

Just tell her you are the world’s biggest 10 year old, and want the kid sized meal....

Oh, I agree, those portions are grossly oversized .... and that’s why I only buy what I can eat at one sitting.

I agree with you on the gigantor portions - some of those plates are as big as a manhole cover and they put like five inches of food on it.

That’s always possible to just order an app (they can’t make you buy food you aren’t planning to eat)

I see you’ve never been to NYC - $5 for a grilled cheese is a pretty standard price around here (and that’s at a deli)