
I concur - immigration enforcement should be focused entirely on employers - $500,000 fines and 1 year in prison for employers who hire undocumented workers sounds about right.

Also, green cards, and reimbursement for the unpaid wages and social security benefits and payroll taxes for any and all undocumented workers

Actually one of my biggest beefs with Figueroa was that he supported Amazon when most of New York wanted to keep that kleptocratic scumbag Bezos the hell out of our city 

It’s tragic that brother Figueroa died so young - only 57 - and this should be a wakeup call for middle aged men of color to take care of their health.

I’m sure he was a good guy personally and I’m sure his wife and kids will miss him desperately, as will the many friends he made in the labor leadership and the

People who compare ICE to the Gestapo are people who are spectacularly ignorant about mid 20th century Central European history

Is ICE machine gunning people and dumping their bodies in ditches Babi Yar style?

Um....I’m pretty sure they aren’t.

They did an enforcement action here in Harlem today - based on the press

They didn’t talk about it in the hysterical apocalyptic Godwins tone they are now, calling federal agents “THE GESTAPO”

By and large it was justified and apologized for, because Obama was deporting the “bad” immigrants as opposed to Trump deporting the “good” immigrants - and with the constant undertone that we have

When you resort to insults, you are admitting that you lost the argument.

Thank you. 

TBH, the Old Testament literally justified slavery, so it’s a real stretch to use it as a text for social justice a large component of the electorate, undocumented workers are low wage competitors for jobs - that’s why so many construction workers (even Democrats, even construction workers who are

They had deportation warrants, not arrest warrants issued by a federal court. 

Leviticus was also the book where they talked about the death penalty for men having sex with men ...and no shrimp

Also, none of those bible citations - old or new testament - have anything to do with the Code of Federal Regulations 

I’m a former Gawker commenter with a long history on Kinja, so... my politics should be clear if you go back and check. - I’m about as far from Republican as you can get 

As a Marxist and a partisan of the working class and the labor movement, I’m opposed to unlimited immigration. Historically, that’s been a weapon

So...Democratic deportations are good deportations, and Republican deportations are BAD deportations?

It must be odd to see the world in such a starkly partisan way..... especially since there are so few differences between the two parties of Wall Street, and especially in this case, where they are LITERALLY DOING THE


The people who are the subject of this weekend’s enforcement actions are 2,000 people who already had their day in court, and have already received a final order of deportation.

Why exactly are we supposed to be upset about that?

The only difference between Trump and Obama is that Obama quietly deported 2.5

The US has been running immigrant detention centers since Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1881

Is there anything fundamentally different about these camps and the camps that have historically been run by ICE’s predecessor agencies?

Can you criticize American immigration law for being racist and unequally

So, have you run a story yet about the guy who tried to set fire to an immigrant detention center?

What’s with the weird portable modesty tent?

Why not just have her change into her athletic gear backstage?

It’s not a “shakedown” if you actually owe them money and haven’t been paying

Maybe you should order a non meat based entree instead

Fun Washington DC, political affiliation is a protected class under their municipal civil rights laws. 

The petulant server that wrote this comment works in a restaurant in Washington DC - and thus refusal to serve somebody because they’re a Republican would be illegal.

Try again

Dude....did you REALLY go with the “Black Friend”?

Whenever I hear a White person justifying their fucked up views by citing their (most likely imaginary) “Black Friend”, I stop listening

A scholar of race relations once estimated that if every White person who cited their “Black Friend” ACTUALLY HAD A BLACK FRIEND,

Being an adult means being able to conduct yourself in a businesslike manner at work - even with people you do not like