Greg Hundred

I have a buddy who, for a while, was a train engineer.  He had two people commit suicide by train.  He seems unaffected, mostly, but I am guessing that’s a bit of bravado.  

If anything, making a basketball movie without basketball is incredibly prescient and timely, as current NBA fandom focuses much more around things that happen off the court than on, for at least 11 months out of the year.

During the Bon Jovi episode of “Behind the Music,” literally every 2 minutes one of them would say, “Heeyyy, we’re from Joisey!” as if that 1) made them lovable, somehow, 2) absolved them of all the aggressively mediocre AOR schlock they produced and 3) would somehow make people conflate them with Bruce Springsteen.

That commercial was by Verizon who fucking throttled the data of firefighters during the wildfires to force them to buy a more expensive plan 

Reminds me of the commercial with the NFL players talking to first responders who helped them, as if we don’t remember what happened during the California wildfires.

I gave an honest to God effort to watch this shitshow. I lasted until they showed the montage of Goodell taking a guided civil rights walking tour. 

Glad to see toxic masculinity is alive in well in pro sports. I was afraid it was all but dead.

Come on fam you are too big to be crying like that...

Thank you for this dose of sanity. That Sharp column at SI is infuriating. When he dismissively says “[k]eeping Porzingis and playing things “smart” would have been a great way to impress NBA Twitter and then win 43 games next year.” he shows how ignorant he is.

Would you suck dick to fire Dolan?

I really thought I’d lost the capacity to be disappointed by the Knicks. Just this morning, I exchanged emails with my Dad goofing on them for finally holding the NBA’s worst record. LOLKnicks, right?

Or stop crying about someone who’s been dead for a long time and just enjoy the stories?

See also the article about the Bronx Strong woman who caught the man who attempted to steal her car when she parked to pick up her kids from school.

Does anyone own herself harder or more often than Tamigotciu Lamborghini over there? Starting to think she’s got a fetish for humiliation.

You forgot whether it focused on the social cause du jour or have someone overcoming a disability.  

The fact that Olivia Colman is likely going to lose out on an Oscar to Glenn Close in a movie no one saw or a professional singer playing a professional singer is really sad. Though Gaga was legitimately good. I haven’t seen The Wife because I’m a human being living on the planet Earth.

Welp, Clayton Bigsby isn’t real.

Dear Hollywood,

Elon Musk is a fucking clown. The thing that grinds my gears the most is that, as Albert pointed out, “The Loop” is far worse than existing technologies that have existed for over 100 years.

On top of that, a tunnel of that size with minimal ventilation won’t have nearly enough oxygen to burn people to death! Everyone in those tunnels is much more likely to suffocate than burn! I can’t believe people are so desperate to attack Musk that they would leave out basic facts.