Greg Hundred

I live in Chicago and while Roma is playing in a theater here (which we did go see and...meh; my biggest issues with it are best summed up in Richard Brody’s piece in The New Yorker), some of these either haven’t opened here or they played/are playing in one of the worst theaters for me personally, The Music Box (bad

“Geez, do you people ever watch movies to be entertained?”

I am totally with you on Sorry to Bother You. The only movie that I can think is similar in terms of its themes is Putney Swope.

A total unforgiving and unrelenting sociopath, Michael Jordan got so mad he called the directors of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and demanded that he be allowed to deliver his induction speech again just so that he can include Malik Monk.

I have no friends and desperately need some, but I certainly wouldn’t be friends with these clowns.

Let’s also remember that Lorne didn’t want to do anything mean about Harvey Weinstein, either.

Damn it’s almost like the entertainment industry’s “resistance” to the administration (and to the status quo more generally) is facile and not very serious at all. Damn.

That Jimmy Fallon continues to get shit upon for mussing Trump’s hair but Lorne gets a pass is beyond me.

“‘I know him, I’ve seen him around at parties for years and years, and he just says whatever it is he’s thinking, and that’s his thing,’” Killam quotes Michaels as saying. “‘But… you have to find a way in that makes him likable.’”

I’m so through with people trying to play both sides of the border wall.

No you’re actually worse. You’re crying about kids on the internet. Not only are you a pussy, you’re boring.

I always assumed “colleges are too PC now” was code for “they don’t find me funny, and it hurts my feelings”.

Personally, I don’t buy the “too PC” argument. I think it’s more to do with the kids on campus today have all been born after Seinfeld went off the air. Different generations find different things funny. 

How about we just shut down Twitter forever. And Facebook while we're at it.

Because Firefly was overrated lukewarm sub-SYFY Tales of the Gold Monkey?

Taking a knee in protest is sooooooooooo much worse than providing aid to the dictator of a foreign country even when you’re sworn to protect the U.S. from enemies (foreign and domestic). Said dictator also used to be the head of the KGB in a communist country. It truly amazes me that the new Republitard party can’t

Could always be worse.

If we, as a country, learn nothing else from the Trump years, I hope we collectively recognize that old, rich white men are fucking retarded, and their opinions should be mocked and ridiculed.

It’s the closest you can legally get to making slaves fight each other.

Upton Sinclair