Greg Hundred

I can’t say what they were “supposed” to do but I can tell you what I would like my co-workers to do if I were in this situation. If someone is insulting or demeaning me, tell them to fucking stop it, it’s not cool, and it’s not funny. Maybe privately tell me if I ever wanted to lodge a formal complaint with the

It’s the same basic plotline every season. They do something which could be groundbreaking, Hooli tries to screw them over at every turn, Martin Starr says something borderline offensive, TJ does drugs, they try to make a stronger effort to get ahead, one of ‘em inadvertently makes the situation worse, they’re on the

I think the strength and the weakness of the first two X-Men movies lies in scenes and character development.

“he gives arguably the best performance that anyone has ever given as a superhero.”

Halle Berry gets bashed a lot for her work in this film, and it’s unfair. She wasn’t given much to do yet she was hella charismatic.

I like the Sir Ian McKellen method.

I can understand that someone would be scared knowing that no matter they do, they wont be half as good as Mark Hamill was.

NBA: La Liga

Exactly. Confront them wherever and whenever. Considering what these motherfuckers are doing to us they’re lucky we’re not strangling them right there in the restaurant. That would be fair.

Maybe we can find a neighbor willing to beat the shit out of Ron the same way Rand got his ass handed to him

We need to pay Paul the younger’s neighbor to keep punching him. 

Rupert Murdoch should be fed to wild dogs.

It says a lot about the era of TV we’re in when there’s about a dozen shows listed in the comments that are deserving of such a list too,.

Dolan is understood to be more interested in music and building cutting-edge entertainment venues than sports.

As much as I dig Rick and Morty most of the time, Venture Brothers really benefited by coming out earlier, before the REALLY REALLY toxic fanbases could get ahold of them, you know? Like there’s a whole lot of “men’s rights activists” and technolibertariandouchebags who probably think Venture Brothers is too old for

Never tolerate intolerance. Always punch Nazis.

The fugg?! Check yourself, fool. Wong Kar Wai has only made ONE film that’s not that great, and it’s My Blueberry Nights; which, really, is because it’s his only English-language film, and that gives way to clunky dialogue & other odd translations. But, it’s still a pretty interesting film. His last feature was The

Many of these “families” who are separated at the border are actually child sex-traffickers w/kids.

“I don’t want to make anyone angry—I never do and I never will.” That’s why you’re a shitty comedian, and that’s why you giggle along with hatemongers. People with spines and souls get angry at injustice, and don’t tailor their behavior to avoid making the perpetrators angry.

Just because it sucks from a continuity standpoint doesn’t mean it’s not funny though.
“Can I see your copy of Swank, Armin?”