Greg Hundred

All these animated sitcoms look like garbage. 

I guess it’s cheaper. All animation for “grown ups” looks like trash.  

Prank show are trash.

I have nostalgia for the time when I wasn’t exhausted by nostalgia.

That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Do it or shut up.

Do it or shut the fuck up.

Steinbrenner never had to pay for it.

Micheals is a fence sitting piece of shit.

Zevi should play it lighter, as a super-powered adult, all his problems are gone.

The young Magneto scene is the best one in the series.

If it wasn’t called Better off Ted, I think it would have lasted longer.

Do it or shut the fuck up.

If Laura Dern is the lead in that show, I’ll check it out.

He can still fuck off.

They are working on new episodes.

Tedious is the best word to describe James Franco.

Deception had the most wonderfully stupid premise ever.

First good decision they’ve made in years.

Nothing is looking that strong to me.