Greg Hundred

Anyone wearing a MAGA hat should be shamed, everywhere they go.

A Man Called Hawk looks like the coolest fucking thing.

She got a hell of an arc though. If you were watching Buffy Season 1, would you have ever guessed the stereotypical snooty rich girl character would evolve over the course of 9 seasons into the best character in a spinoff?

Another rule: all teams that play in the Badlands are called the Browns. Hockey, base ball, whatever. They are the Browns. Browns vs. Browns. Fans are forced to wear brown at the stadium.

How about because no one has a single bad word to say about her, and she has studied under the greatest coach in the history of sports for 4 years.

D’Amato will definitely whine about the obvious backlash to his shitty article and will definitely blame it on some combo of ‘pc culture’, his opinion not being within the narrow range of the acceptable ones in this political climate, the hateful left, who are the real racists, and Obama.

“People are saying... “

This is just the typical argument of the misogynist/racist/homophobe who doesn’t like owning up to his prejudice and thus projects it onto someone else, then claims that the prejudice of “those people over there” creates a lamentable reality that the target of the prejudice must tolerate.

I’d never heard of this show before so I looked it up, and I have to say, if I was a studio exec and someone pitched a show using the phrase “consulting illusionist to the FBI”, the first question I’d ask would be, “How did you get past security?”

I...don’t see the problem here.

James Harden sucks to watch play basketball. He sucked to watch in OKC and he sucks to watch now.

Is it weird that Let’s Remember Some Guys is easily my favorite show of 2018? Can you submit for the Emmys? I mean, this is objectively and consistently better than Westworld.

This is such a shocking and unexpected take! *monocle shatters*

Which is a huge problem. People calling the police because (black=suspicious) and never facing consequences. They reinforce racism. They create potentially dangerous situations. They waste the time of police officers and are harassing people. And there are never any consequences.

These kinds of obviously dubious calls to law enforcement by irrational people like Siyonbola’s neighbor should, at the very least, be a misdemeanor infraction and/or a fine.

When John Skipper said there was too much white in his life, he was talking about drugs.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

I actually think Hermes is a great example of a stereotype that isn’t particularly offensive, for three main reasons:

Should’ve gained momentum sixteen years ago but better late than never, I guess.

It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.